ACACSO Workshop Suggestions- Car Hire Rule 22 TAG November 2012- San Diego, CA Chauncey Fallen-GATX Corporation & Lisa Gering-BNSF Railway
ACACSO- SUGGESTION- CHR 22 Rule 22 Reclaim for Loading Delay- Owner Responsibility 5 sections to the rule- section B incurs majority of activity General (reclaim format, definitions, storage exception) Car Service Rule 16 Assigned Cars (allowed reclaims) Other Assigned Cars (by agreement of holding road & owner) Rates (rates paid and reclaimed to be the same) Time Limits (CHR 13 & 14 for time limits & procedure for processing reclaims)
ACACSO- SUGGESTION- CHR 22 B. Car Service Rule 16 Assigned Cars RECLAIM 222 1. When owner or lessee orders cars which are assigned to a specific shipper or national customer pool, in accordance with the provisions of Car Service Rule 16 to a road for loading, reclaim for idle time while held at the loading point will be allowed from the date and hour of arrival at the loading point, as evidenced by the car movement record, to the date and hour placed for loading as evidenced by demurrage report, or to the date and hour subject to storage charges. RECLAIM 224 2. For empty cars held longer than 24 hours: a. When empty cars assigned to a shipper at a specific location are held in excess of 24 hours, at a holding point short of the loading point, on the carrier to which the pool is assigned (pool operator), owner or lessee will allow reclaim for all detention time from date and hour of arrival at holding point to date and hour of departure from holding point, as evidenced by the car movement records, excluding hours cars are subject to storage charges. Reclaim will be allowed if assignee requests in writing that cars be held or when assignee cannot immediately accept on arrival at loading point and cars cannot reasonably be held on other tracks at loading point. b. When empty national customer pool cars are held at a holding point short of the loading point, in excess of 24 hours by a railroad which is a subscriber to that pool, owner or lessee will allow reclaim for all detention time from date and hour of arrival at holding point to date and hour of departure from holding point, as evidenced by the car movement records, excluding hours cars are subject to storage charges.
ACACSO- SUGGESTION- CHR 22 RULE 222 Reclaims Rule 224 Reclaims “At the Loading Point” RR & National Pool provision, per Car Service Rule 16. Start/End reclaim time- Arrived and Placed. “Held Shorts”- Holding point short of the loading point. 2a. Non-National Pool & 2b. National Pool Allowed reclaim per associated pool codes with holding carrier. 2a- RR having its pool code assigned to the car 2b- Subscriber to that pool (National)
ACACSO- SUGGESTION- CHR 22 Open Forum… CHR 22 Reclaim 222: CHR 22 Reclaim 224: