NON-BASELINE CYCLE WITH DELAYED OVULATION Fertile day 2 Fertile day 3 Fertile day 4 A case of delayed ovulation in a non-baseline woman. All the days without the callout indications are infertile days (days 6 – 12 and days 18 – 26). Fertile days 3, 4, and 5 are all interpreted electronically as ovulation day. The delay in ovulation is only recognized the next day. This is also a case of abnormal cycle with short luteal phase (the phase after ovulation). A case of delayed ovulation in a non-baseline woman. All the days without the callout indication are infertile days. Fertile days 3, 4, and 5 are all interpreted electronically as ovulation day. The delay in ovulation is only recognized the next day. This is an abnormal cycle with short luteal phase (phase after ovulation). Follicular phase (before ovulation) data amplitudes warn of suspect fertile window - need more tests. Fertile day 1 Fertile day 5 Follicular phase (before ovulation) amplitudes warn of suspect fertile window – need more tests.