DOL level 4 week 33 Analogy lava : _______ - water : geyser 2. : - : 2. : - : 1. they have sang there last song, america the beautiful 2. but they had leaved theyre room a mess so they couldnt go volcano
Fluency 6 min. reading solution
Objectives day 2 Students will recognize homophones.
Word Structure day 2 Line 1 hair hare waist waste Line 2 thrown wear new one Line 3 would sell stare buy flower flour Line 4 knight night
Word Structure day 2 thrown wear new one Line 2 Use a dictionary. Find a homophone for each word shown. Two of the words on the line are part of a trio of homophones. Wear, ware, where; new knew, gnu
Vocabulary lesson 1 dawn huddled dared embarrassment When sun comes up We woke up at dawn The kittens were huddled together When sun comes up To wrap oneself tightly dared embarrassment They dared him to jump into the lake His mistake caused a great deal of embarrassment To have courage to do something Feeling of shyness or being ashamed
Vocabulary lesson 1 wove pounded pride tremble To lace together He wove the yarn into a sweater He pounded the nail into the wall To lace together To beat loudly pride tremble He held his head up with a sense of pride The cold air caused her to tremble To shake Feeling of worth and importance
Purpose Big Idea How do people make money choices?
Meet the Author Meet the Illustrator pg. 580 Antonio Hernandez Madrigal Why do the buyers from the city want to buy the village women’s hair? What is Mama able to buy with the money she gets for Erandi’s braids? Tomie dePaola Have you ever had to make a hard choice? What did you do? Erandi’s mama said, “My daughtr’s hair is not for sale.” What is something you would never sell?
Inquiry Process day 2 You will be investigating topics that relate to the them Dollars and Sense. In this theme you will produce and publish the results of your investigations on the unit theme. How are the stories “Erandi’s Braids” and the read aloud section related to the them Dollars and Sense. Why do the hair buyers think that women in Ernadi’s town will be willing to sell their hair in the first place? What are some decisions people make based on money? What are some money choices you have made? Why did you finally make the decision you made?
Writing Prewriting day 2 Describing an experience is a type of personal narrative, which is a written account of something that happened to the writer. Refer to prewriting notes and graphic organizers before you begin to draft. The paragraphs in your narratives should be indented, and the narrative should include a beginning, a middle, and an end. Begin your narratives with something that grabs the reader’s attention and to end their narratives by showing some kind of resolution. Create interesting leads through and the use of quotations, questions, or description. You will be writing your narratives in the first-person point of view.
Objectives day 2 Students will Review combining sentences with appositives Learn about homophones Learn how words reflect cultures Explore online media
Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics Day 2 Homophones They’re going to get their hair cut. The barber shop is over there. There is an adverb meaning “at or in that place.” There is a contraction for they are. There is a possessive pronoun and an adjective.
Spelling pride pried rays raise sent cent scent forth fourth air heir guessed guest toad towed toed lessen lesson carat carrot bazaar bizarre
pride pried rays raise sent cent scent forth fourth air heir guessed guest toad towed toed lessen lesson carat carrot bazaar bizarre
pride pried rays raise sent cent scent forth fourth air heir guessed guest toad towed toed lessen lesson carat carrot bazaar bizarre
To wrap oneself tightly dared To have courage to do something dawn When sun comes up huddled To wrap oneself tightly dared To have courage to do something embarrassment Feeling of shyness or being ashamed wove To lace together pounded To beat loudly tremble To shake pride Feeling of worth and importance
dawn wove pounded pride huddled dared embarrassment wove pounded tremble pride
To wrap oneself tightly To have courage to do something When sun comes up To wrap oneself tightly To have courage to do something Feeling of shyness or being ashamed To lace together To beat loudly To shake Feeling of worth and importance