DOL level 4 week 33 Analogy lava : _______ - water : geyser 2. : - :


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Presentation transcript:

DOL level 4 week 33 Analogy lava : _______ - water : geyser 2. : - : 2. : - : 1. they have sang there last song, america the beautiful 2. but they had leaved theyre room a mess so they couldnt go volcano


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Spelling pride pried rays raise sent cent scent forth fourth air heir guessed guest toad towed toed lessen lesson carat carrot bazaar bizarre

pride pried rays raise sent cent scent forth fourth air heir guessed guest toad towed toed lessen lesson carat carrot bazaar bizarre

pride pried rays raise sent cent scent forth fourth air heir guessed guest toad towed toed lessen lesson carat carrot bazaar bizarre

To wrap oneself tightly dared To have courage to do something dawn When sun comes up huddled To wrap oneself tightly dared To have courage to do something embarrassment Feeling of shyness or being ashamed wove To lace together pounded To beat loudly tremble To shake pride Feeling of worth and importance

dawn wove pounded pride huddled dared embarrassment wove pounded tremble pride

To wrap oneself tightly To have courage to do something When sun comes up To wrap oneself tightly To have courage to do something Feeling of shyness or being ashamed To lace together To beat loudly To shake Feeling of worth and importance