To the ETS – Crown Mineral Activity Online Training Course Welcome This process involves authorizing a company to act on behalf of the designated representative (Crown lessee or licensee) on a matter for a Crown petroleum and natural gas licence or lease (PNG agreement) or authorizing another company to use your company’s well for a tenure-related purpose relating to a PNG agreement. To the ETS – Crown Mineral Activity Authorization Online Training Course
Date Revisions Type Page Number Sept 20, 2013 Initial Creation All
Introduction In this module, you will learn how to: As the company submitting the request for Authorization: Complete Well Re-entry or Well Linking Authorization Request Check the status of your request As the company authorizing the request: How to concur How to reject How to revoke
Login to ETS 1. Login to ETS with your user name and password 2. Expand Crown Mineral Activity 3. Select Authorizations
Request Authorization 2. Select Authorization Type, Authorization Expiry and Requesting Company 1. Click Request Authorization 3. Enter Contact information The Request Authorization processes for Well Re-Entry and Well Linking are the same.
Request Authorization – Add Agreement 1. Click Add Agreement to add a Crown agreement 2. Enter Crown agreement Number 3. Click Search
Request Authorization – Add Agreement - Continued 4. Click on check box 5. Click OK 6. Enter Attention Name for this Agreement if available
Request Authorization – Add Well 1. Enter Well Information then click Add Well 2. Enter Attention Name for the Well Licensee
Submit Request Authorization Click Submit Click the Close If the Designated Representative and the Well Licensee are different, two separate requests will be submitted.
Check Status of Authorization Request 1. Select Authorizations 2. Choose your search Parameters 3. Click on Search
Search Results Search Result:
The following pages describe the processes for: How to concur Separator Page An email will be sent from the ETS System advising the company that there is an authorization request that is available for concurrence. The following pages describe the processes for: How to concur How to reject How to revoke
Concur an Authorization Request 1. Select Authorizations 2. Select Show Concur 3. Click on Search
Concur – Continued Search Result: Click on Concur
Submit Concur Authorization 1. Click on the dropdown and select Yes 2. Click on Submit 3. Click on Close Upon submission of the request, ETS will send an email advising that the Concur request has been completed.
Reject an Authorization Request Follow the same process to select the Authorization to Concur, but select No in the Concurrence dropdown. 1. Click on the dropdown and select No 2. Enter Comments for rejecting the authorization request 3. Click on Submit Upon submission of the request, ETS will send an email advising that the request has been rejected.
Revoke a previously granted authorization 1. Select Authorization 2. Select your parameters. The following may be checked. 3. Click on Search
Revoke - Continued Search Result: Click on Revoke Upon clicking on revoke, ETS will send an email advising of the request that has been revoked.
You have completed the Crown Mineral Activity Online Training Course Conclusion Congratulations! You have completed the Crown Mineral Activity Authorizations Online Training Course Please proceed to the subsequent modules detailing other functionality of the Crown Mineral Activity. If you have any comments or questions on this training module, please forward them to the following :