Conformal Photon-Beam Radiotherapy of Prostate Carcinoma J.A. Bogers, R.W.M. van der Maazen, A.G. Visser European Urology Volume 41, Issue 5, Pages 515-522 (May 2002) DOI: 10.1016/S0302-2838(02)00017-9
Fig. 1 Four-field (box) technique. CT slice through the prostate. Prostate, femoral heads and rectum have been outlined. Values in the left upper corner are percentages of prescription dose enveloped by corresponding coloured lines. European Urology 2002 41, 515-522DOI: (10.1016/S0302-2838(02)00017-9)
Fig. 2 Three-field technique. Three-dimensional reconstruction. Antero-inferior angle of view. One AP beam and two wedged lateral beams. The prostate, rectum and bladder and both femoral heads are indicated. European Urology 2002 41, 515-522DOI: (10.1016/S0302-2838(02)00017-9)
Fig. 3 Right lateral beams eye views (above) and corresponding intensity profiles of conventional rectangular field (non-conformal), conformal and IMRT treatment of the prostate including the seminal vesicles. Note the adaptation of the beam shape to prostatic anatomy when comparing conventional to conformal treatment. Also note the variation of beam intensity in the IMRT profile. European Urology 2002 41, 515-522DOI: (10.1016/S0302-2838(02)00017-9)
Fig. 4 Transverse oriented slice through the prostate of an IMRT treatment plan. Note the difference between the way the high-dose volume (75.6Gy) is adapted to the prostatic contour in comparison to Fig. 1. This specific example also shows the possibility of IMRT to created dose-inhomogeneity within the target volume. This allows even higher doses directed to small areas within the prostate. Most likely to areas where the bulk of the tumor is (courtesy of Dr. B. Curran of the NOMOS corporation and Dr. Ping Xia of the University of California, San Francisco). European Urology 2002 41, 515-522DOI: (10.1016/S0302-2838(02)00017-9)