RCR training
RCR Training Broadly refers to a code of conduct that researchers practice on a daily basis. NIH and DHHS Office of Research Integrity (DHHS ORI) initiative to promote research integrity. Core Topics covered in the Duke University School of Medicine Faculty and Staff RCR Program: Research misconduct Reproducibility in research Mentorship/training Authorship/writing Data management/best practices in daily research activities
WHAT IS REQUIRED? All Faculty and Staff engaged in the design, conduct or reporting of research are required to complete RCR training by June 30, 2018. This includes anyone who is recorded as: Key Personnel on an active or pending project in SPS Key Personnel on an active or pending IRB protocol Key Personnel on an active or pending IACUC protocol Compensated from a fund code with a Research Attribute in SAP Room Occupant in space (wet or dry) that is coded with a “research” function in WebCentral
❶ ❷ ❸ HOW CAN REQUIREMENT BE MET? There are 3 options for meeting the RCR Training requirement: COMPETENCY or RECENT TRAINING IN-PERSON ON-SITE TRAINING ONLINE CITI RCR TRAINING MODULES ❶ ❸ ❷ since you took this do you want to talk about potential to arrange in person training for each research group, can we help? is that easier for some?
RCR In Person Schedule Workshop Schedule: Workshop 1 - February 23rd Workshop 2 - March 14th, 7:30am-10:00am Workshop 3 - April 30th, 2:00pm-4:30pm Workshop 4 - May 25th, 9:00am-11:30am