PBS & Alternative Schools/Programs: Where to Start? 17 A July 10, 2008 11:00 a.m. 17 B July 10, 2008 2:00 p.m. Vermilion Parish Alternative Program Ellen Arceneaux, Supervisor Larry Dugas, Jr., Counselor Michael Wright, Facilitator
VPAP Beginnings Michael Wright: VPAP Facilitator
A Common Philosophy
What to do? Suspended and/or Expelled Students need: “policing” “punishment” They don’t need PBS! What many people feel and may not say to you? Incentives, rewards for students who are assigned to an alternative program…..
PBS & Alternative Programs: These two just don’t mix……….
Upon further investigation: PBS empowers students to make good choices! PBS helps educators make a difference in the lives of children!
UNDER CONSTRUCTION Breaking through - Breaking through – “old school” thinking Breaking through – “We police behavior and teacher subject matter.”
Re-thinking Re-evaluating Re-directing Re-ality
Re-thinking Change is difficult, but necessary. If what we are doing isn’t working, why are we still doing it?
Re-evaluating Sharpening tools Changing tools Measuring Success Failure
Re-directing Step-by-step Teach expectations Teach skills
REALITY Students assigned to alternative programs/schools need: Positive Behavior Support Intervention for behavior and/or academics Instruction in making good choices, instruction on expectations & social skills
CHAIRPERSON Vital to the success of implementation Sets dates and time of meetings Plans agenda for meetings Keeps team focused on agenda and objectives of the team
Our Team 5 Teachers 1 Counselor 1 Facilitator of VPAP 3 regular education (all grade levels) 2 Special Education (all grade levels) 1 Counselor 1 Facilitator of VPAP 1 Supervisor (PBS Facilitator) 1 Secretary 3 Para-professionals
Problem/Solution Approach Communication Teamwork Problem/Solution Approach Buy-in
Professional Development Entire staff attended 2-day PD for new PBS Teams – held on site in August 2007 Entire staff served on PBS Team and attended meetings on a regular basis Follow-up PBS PD held on site in November 2007 Support PD on handling students who choose to make inappropriate choices Mr. Wright talks about PD and change in staff attitude concerning the philosophy of the alternative program. Mr. Dugas talks about being the chairperson and the importance of meetings and a planned agenda at each meeting to keep the team focused.
Mission Statement Teachers nurture and support. Students grow, achieve, and leave.
INCENTIVES Community/parents involved – in-kind donations for incentives Staff members also provided donations for incentives Year-long PLANNING is VITAL for budgeting, organization, and student/parent awareness
DATA What are we building? Where are we in the process? Where do we want to be? How are we going to get there? DATA
Goals for 2008 - 2009 Data, data, data Point System & Chart Communication w/parents Students take responsibility Social Skills Lessons Daily Character Links Classroom Social Skills Continued Professional Development
CONTACT INFORMATION Ellen Arceneaux: (337) 898-5750 ellena@vrml.k12.la.us Larry Dugas: (337) 643-6166 ldugas@vrml.k12.la.us Michael Wright: (337) 643-6178 mwright@vrml.k12.la.us