Welcome to the District X Playoff Meeting 2018 Tim LaVan PIAA District X Rules Interpreter LJ Frisina PIAA District X Male Officials Rep Dave Wright PIAA Statewide Rules Interpreter
District X Playoff Schedule Round of 16 (boys 2A, 3A, 4A) Friday, February 16 Round of 16 (girls 2A, 3A, 5A) Saturday, February 17 Boys and girls 6A final Wednesday, February 21 Boys 4A Quarterfinals 5A Final Thursday, February 22 Boys Quarter finals (2A and 3A) Friday, February 23 Girls Quarter finals (2A, 3A, 4A, 5A) Saturday, February 24 Boys Semi-finals (1A, 2A, 3A, 4A) Tuesday, February 27 Girls Semi-finals (1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A) Wednesday, February 28 Boys Finals (1A, 2A, 3A, 4A) Friday, March 2 Girls Finals (1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A) Saturday, March 3
LJ Frisina Playoff assignment Process Let LJ know ASAP (today preferably) if you have ANY closed dates. (814)392-1574 or lfrisina@tbscc.com
Playoff Partners Contact AND receive a verification from each partner Names and contact info is on Arbiter and the PIAA site at www.piaa.org (login and check the officials directory) PLEASE make sure contact info is correct on each officiating site Partners from game to game most likely will change Arrive at the game site at least one hour prior to game-time, check in with site management Dress appropriately……NO jeans
Checking the books at the table Referee should go over no later than the 13:00 mark to make sure books are nearly completed Check ALL THREE BOOKS…..official book first, then EACH SCHOOL’S book to make sure they match. Take care of it NOW, not during the game. Make sure official scorekeeper has vertically striped shirt and will make eye contact with officials reporting fouls. Make sure other scorekeepers will be in contact with each other. Site will depend on where they sit….Boro, Sharon, etc.
Talking with the timer TALK WITH THE TIMER, he/she may not be a ‘regular’ or work high school games as a timer Need a horn on ALL substitutes Media TO’s Warning horn on ALL timeouts(30 or 60 sec)/quarters (60 sec)/DQ’d player (15 sec) Let us know if scorekeepers have a discrepancy Possible discussion of 40-point rule at halftime
Media Timeouts Game management will let you know if there will be media TO’s Media TO procedure Media Timeout Procedures Questions about Media TO’s?
Captain’s Meeting Meeting held at the 8:00 mark in the past (game management will let you know the time) Referee will read sportsmanship message verbatim Referee will FACE the table (standing closest to the center jump circle) as U1 and U2 will stand closest to the table facing out to be a part of the meeting AND to observe warmups (thanks Jeff Lane for the diagram) Return to side opposite table to observe warmups
COACHING Box A COACHING box……PERIOD. Must be the same at both ends of the floor Is required to be located from the baseline to 28’ from the baseline NO CARPET or MAT may designate the coaching box Must be marked ON THE FLOOR or no box, so make sure referee/game management place tape for the box The head coach MUST begin the game within the coaching box Any questions/concerns see game manager
Uniforms YES, we ARE fashion police Undershirt color must match predominant color of the jersey ALL OTHER ACCESSORIES above the socks must be the same color for the entire team and be black, white, beige or predominant color of the jersey NFHS Uniform/Accessory Summary Shorts……ALMOST anything goes, EXCEPT rolling of waistbands where a logo shows! Athletic and kinesio tape: any color is legal Take a look at these (from Craig Bradley, D-3 Rules Interpreter)
PIAA OFFICIALS CONVENTION August 3 & 4 2018 Hilton Harrisburg
QUESTIONS?? Tim LaVan (814)229-4787 (cell) tlavan@mail.ocasd.org