Just-In-Time Recovery of Missing Web Pages Hypertext 2006 Odense, Denmark August 25, 2006 Terry L. Harrison & Michael L. Nelson Old Dominion University Norfolk VA, USA
Preservation: Fortress Model Five Easy Steps for Preservation: Get a lot of $ Buy a lot of disks, machines, tapes, etc. Hire an army of staff Load a small amount of data “Look upon my archive ye Mighty, and despair!” image from: http://www.itunisie.com/tourisme/excursion/tabarka/images/fort.jpg
Alternate Models of Preservation Lazy Preservation Let Google, IA et al. preserve your website Just-In-Time Preservation Find a “good enough” replacement web page Shared Infrastructure Preservation Push your content to sites that might preserve it Web Server Enhanced Preservation Use Apache modules to create archival-ready resources image from: http://www.proex.ufes.br/arsm/knots_interlaced.htm
Outline The 404 problem Component technologies Opal web infrastructure lexical signatures OAI-PMH Opal architectural description analysis
404 Problem Kahle (97) - Average page lifetime 44 days Koehler (99, 04) - 67% URLs lost in 4 years Lawrence et al. (01) - 23%-53% URLs in CiteSeer papers invalid over 5 year span (3% of invalid URLs “unfindable”) Spinellis (03) - 27% URLs in CACM/Computer papers gone in 5 years Chan et al. (03) - 11 year half-life for URLs in D-Lib Magazine articles Nelson & Allen (02) - 3% objects in digital library gone in 1 year Lawrence - Using CiteSeer for recently authored papers Spinellis - Using Communications of the ACM & IEEE Computer Chan et al. - D-Lib Magazine ECDL 1999 “good enough” page available PSP 2003 exact copy at new URL Greynet 99 unavailable at any URL?
Web Infrastructure: Refreshing & Migrating
Lexical Signatures “Robust Hyperlinks Cost Just Five Words Each” Phelps & Wilensky (2000) http://www.cs.odu.edu/~tharriso/?lex-sig=terry+harrison+thesis+jcdl+awarded “Analysis of Lexical Signatures for Improving Information Presence on the World Wide Web” Park et al. (2004) Lexical Signature Calculation Technique Results from Google 2004+terry+digital+harrison+2003 TF Based 110000 modoai+netpreserve.org+mod_oai+heretrix+xmlsolutions IDF Based 1 terry+harrison+thesis+jcdl+awarded TFIDF Based 6
OAI-PMH Data Providers / Repositories Service Providers / Harvesters “A repository is a network accessible server that can process the 6 OAI-PMH requests … A repository is managed by a data provider to expose metadata to harvesters.” “A harvester is a client application that issues OAI-PMH requests. A harvester is operated by a service provider as a means of collecting metadata from repositories.”
OAI-PMH Aggregators aggregators allow for: data providers scalability for OAI-PMH load balancing community building discovery data providers (repositories) service providers (harvesters) aggregator
Observations One reason why the original Phelps & Wilensky vision was never realized is that required a priori LS calculation idea: use the Web Infrastructure to calculate LSs as they are needed Mass adoption of a system will occur only if it is really, really easy to do so idea: digital preservation systems should require only a small number of “heroes”
Description & Use Cases Allow many web servers to use a few Opal servers that use the caches of the Web Infrastructure to generate Lexical Signatures of recently 404 URLs to find either: the same page at a new URL example: bookmarked colleague is now 404 cached info is not useful similar pages probably not useful a “good enough” replacement page example: bookmarked recipe is now 404 cached info is useful similar pages probably useful
Opal Configuration: “Configure Two Things” edit httpd.conf add / edit custom 404 page
Opal High-Level Architecture 1. Get URL X Interactive User www.bar.org 2. Custom 404 page 3. Pagetag redirects User to Opal server 5. Opal gives user navigation options 4. Opal searches WI caches; creates LS opal.foo.edu
Locating Caches http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=http://www.cs.odu.edu/~tharriso http://search.yahoo.com/search?fr=FP-pull-web-t&ei=UTF8&p=http://www.cs.odu.edu/~tharriso
Internet Archive
WI Caches Last 7-51 days* IA caches forever, but: may not ever crawl you ~12 month latency no internal backups * Frank McCown, Joan A. Smith, Michael L. Nelson, Johan Bollen, Reconstructing Websites for the Lazy Webmaster, arXiv cs.IR/0512069, 2005. http://arxiv.org/abs/cs.IR/0512069
Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency Calculating Term Frequency is easy frequency of term in this document Calculating Document Frequency is hard frequency of term in all documents assumes knowledge of entire corpus! “Good terms” appear: frequently in a single document infrequently across all documents
Scraping Google to Approximate DF Frequency of term across all documents: How many documents?
GUI - Bootstrapping
GUI - Learned
GUI (cont) <url:similarURL datestamp="2005-05-13" votes="1" simURL="http://www.cs.odu.edu/~tharriso/" baseURL="http://invivo_test.com"> <![CDATA[ <p class=g> <a href="javascript:popUp('demo_dev.pl?method=vote&url=http://www.cs.odu.edu/~tharriso &match=http://www.cs.odu.edu/~tharriso/')"> <b>Terry</b> <b>Harrison</b> Profile Page</a><br><font size=-1>Burning Man Images Other Images (not really well sorted, sorry!) Email <b>Terry</b> <b>...</b><br> (May 2003), AR Zipf Fellowship <b>Awarded</b> to <b>Terry</b> <b>Harrison</b> - Press Release <b>...</b><br><font color=#008000>www.cs.odu.edu/~tharriso/ - 12k - </font></font> ]]> </url:similarURL>
Opal Server Databases URL database Term database 404 URL (LS, similarURL1, similarURL2, …, similarURLN) similarURL (URL, datestamp, votes, Opal server) Term database term (Opal server, source, datestamp, DF, corpus size, IDF) Define each URL and Term as OAI-PMH Records and we can harvest what an Opal server has “learned” - can accommodate late arrivers (no “cold start” for them) - pool the learning of multiple servers - incentives to cooperate
Opal Synchronization Group 1 Opal A Opal B Opal C Opal D * Terms URLs Other architectures possible Harvesting frequency determined by individual nodes Group 2 Opal A Opal D.1 * Opal D aggregates D.1-D.3 to Group 1 * Opal D aggregates A-C to Group 2 Opal D.2 Opal D.3 Terms URLs
Discovery via OAI-PMH
Connection Costs Costcache = (WI * N) + R Costcache = 3*1 + 1 = 4 WI = # of web infrastructure caches N = connections for each WI R = connection to get a datestamp Costpaths = Rc + T + Rl Rc = connections to get a cached copy T = connections required for each term Rl = connections to use LS Costcache = 3*1 + 1 = 4 Costpaths = 1 + T + 1
Analysis - Cumulative Terms Learned 1 Million terms 30000 Documents Result averages after 100 iterations
Analysis - Terms Learned Per Document 1 Million terms 30000 Documents Result averages after 100 iterations
Load Estimation
Future Work Testing on departmental server Code optimizations hard to test in-the-small Code optimizations many short cuts taken for demo system G & Y APIs not used; screen scraping only Lexical Signatures describe changes over time IDF calculation metrics is scraping Google valid? is it nice? Learning new code use OAI-PMH to update the system OpenURL resolver 404 URL = referent
Conclusions Lexical signatures can be generated just-in-time from WI caches as pages disappear Many web servers can be easily configured to use a single Opal server Multiple Opal servers can harvest each other to learn Terms and URLs more quickly