First amendment Charles & Emmanuel
Tinker vs. Des Moines Tinker vs. Des Moines Independent Community District Three schools agreed to wear black armbands to protest the Vietnam War. But the district had a different thing on mind. They expelled all the students that wore an armband or if they did not take it off. Mary Beth Tinker believed that the action the district had taken was unconstitutional, so she took the case to court which later got taken to the Supreme Court where it was decided that the school district did violate the rights of the students
Hazelwood School Districts vs. Kuhlmeier In this particular case the principal had taken two inappropriate articles of the school newspaper. The school newspaper club thought that what the principal had done was illegal and unconstitutional, so as you probably already know they took this to court. Eventually the case got to the hands of the supreme court where it was decided that the principal was not violating the rights of the students.