The Prevalence of Problem Gambling in a Secure Treatment Facility for Psychiatrically Disordered Offenders Liam E. Marshall 1 2 Michelle Wallace 2 & Brian Kerr 2 1 Rockwood Psychological Services 2 Royal Ottawa Health Care Group – Secure Treatment Unit
Introduction The STU Current Study on prevalence of pathological gambling in STU residents Implications for treatment and future research
Transinsitutionalization Per 100 000 in the US Harcourt BE. From the asylum to the prison: rethinking the incarceration revolution. Texas Law Review 2000; 84:1751-1786.
Pathological Gambling in Psychiatrically Disordered Offenders at the Secure Treatment Unit M Age = 34.54, SD = 11.60, Range 18-79 All serving sentence s of <2 years (Mean = 324.5 days) Number of diagnosis of Pathological Gambling prior to study: 0
Results Measure N Mean SD Range Alpha South Oaks 88 3.73 5.62 0-17 .95 CPGI 82 3.37 4.86 0-20 .92 Gamblers Anonymous 76 3.74 5.53 0-18 Only CPGI evidenced a discernable factor structure with one factor accounting for 61% of variance observed
Prevalence - South Oaks Degree of Problem N Percent No Problem 54 61.4 Some Problem 6 6.8 Probable Pathological Gambler 28 31.8
Prevalence - CPGI Degree of Problem N Percent No Problem 40 48.8 Some Problems 12 14.6 Moderate Problems 14 17.1 Pathological 16 19.5
Prevalence – Gamblers Anonymous Screen Degree of Problem N Percent No Problems or Low Severity 58 76.3% Probable Pathological 18 23.7%
Results cont. MEASURE South Oaks CPGI -.19 NS GA .08 -.13
Agreement between measures KAPPA Sig South Oaks CPGI .14 NS GA .05 .15
Summary Somewhere between 1/5 and 1/3 of patients at the STU have a severe enough gambling problem to warrant intervention Further research needed on gambling problems in mentally ill prisoners – in particular, further psychometric examination of measures Need for a brief intervention for gambling problems
The Prevalence of Problem Gambling in a Secure Treatment Facility for Psychiatrically Disordered Offenders Liam E. Marshall 1 2 Michelle Wallace 2 & Brian Kerr 2 1 Rockwood Psychological Services 2 Royal Ottawa Health Care Group – Secure Treatment Unit