SQA Exams Diet 2018
Lord, Bless this day and all it brings Lord, Bless this day and all it brings. Bless our lives, that we may grow in your love. Bless our work, that we may use our gifts and talents wisely. Bless our hearts, that we may never forget to look to the needs of others. Bless our community, that it continues to prosper by your Spirit. Bless our prayer, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Exam Diet Runs from 30th April-4th June Study leave begins on Monday 30th April. Your last day in school is Friday 27th April Your exam timetable should help you plan your time and revision schedule (remember – you did it all for the Practice Exams) Be in school uniform at all times- even if popping in to ask for help.
Timetables Individualised timetables will be issued after Easter. These will include which hall you will sit your exam in and your set number. It is your responsibility to ensure your exams are correct and you are being presented at the correct level. Ensure you know where and when your exam takes place. (pupils with additional time- your exam times and exam room will be indicated on your individualised timetable. It is your responsibility to get the correct room/hall on time
You must register with Ms McMillan in the social space 15 minutes before your exam.
Equipment Ensure you bring the correct equipment for each exam 3 pens (a pencil dependent upon exam) Calculator- if relevant Ruler- if required There is an ‘emergency box’ in the exam hall- however, this is for emergencies. You should not assume the equipment you require will be available.
Electronic Devices/ Disrupting Exam No electronic devices No Apple/ Smart watches No mobile phones Disruption of exam/ distracting other pupils will result in you being removed from the exam hall.
Seating It is vital that you sit in the correct seat, in the correct hall. This is how we register you. If you are in the incorrect seat you will be registered as absent If you are in someone else's seat, it appears as if they are in- they then are not marked as absent and may not get the opportunity to be given exceptional circumstances for the exam
Illness/ lateness Contact school Medical certificate (SQA exams only) Must contact me as soon as possible Can enter exam hall at Invigilator's discretion ( but this only applies to the first 10 mins)
Exam Transport Maths N5- is on an in-service day. Bus lists will be on the windows in social spaces H- Sociology H RMPS
NO Exams- Enrichment Programme If you do not have any exams you should attend THE ENRICHMENT PROGRAMME- Mrs Begg and Mrs Sloane will speak to you regarding this.
Study Plan & Revision Make a study plan Focus on all your subjects (especially the ones you find difficult) Use a variety of study/revision techniques (learn to learn) Use past papers and revision notes. …and yes, we know it can be tough going! Learning the best study technique for you takes practise!
Your Exams Booklet
School Website & Social Media
Ask Sam Info Leaflet in envelope Remember to register to get your results by text or email Go online to www.mysqa.org.uk Activate your account You will still receive a paper certificate in addition to the notification service,
Results Day Tuesday 7th August. Staff in School NO APPEALS
Good Luck!