An Introduction to Study Skills
Formal Examinations Term 2- Week 8 May 30- June 1 This term (and again in term 4) you will be introduced to formal examinations. These will take place under examination conditions (see STL Link) It is important that you know how to prepare yourself thoroughly for these examinations so you can gain the maximum benefit from them.
Formal Examinations Year 9 examinations are not just about the final result. You will also: Develop studying techniques Gain experience in sitting many exams across a 3-day period Find out what may work for you in preparing for exams and also some things that don’t work for you. Try different organisational structures, in terms of allowing enough time to prepare for these exams.
Learning how to study There are some students who know how to study effectively; on the other hand, there are students who have little idea of how to approach study in an efficient manner. It is never too early to start learning how to study effectively. Over the next 8 weeks you will be introduced to many different ways of studying and how to effectively prepare for your first formal round of examinations.
Homework vs Study Homework is completing tasks which have been set by your subject teacher. Studying is spending time to ensure that you understand the materials covered in class including key concepts and learnings. Homework and study are different.
Study Habits Complete the ‘Study Habits Review’ worksheet to get you thinking about the study habits that you currently have, and to also consider some habits that you may need to address over the coming weeks. After completing this task, identify 3 changes that you will try and make over the coming weeks.
When Can I Study? Before next week you will be required to complete ‘Your Weekly Planner’ worksheet and include this in your Portfolio. This task will identify the time that you have available to study and also identify times when you are too busy.