Question of the Day Part I What is the mood of the story? What words help describe the mood (tone)? What point of view is this story written (provide examples)? If you were Moshe the Beadle, how would you feel about your return to Sighet? Complete comprehension questions for Part I – questions 1-3
Question of the Day – Part II List five important events that took place in Part I Why is this statement ironic “The yellow star? So what? It’s not lethal….” Complete the following vocabulary terms edict page 10 surreptitiously page 16 conflagration page 21 partisans page 21 Any command given by someone in charge Obtained, done or made in a secret way A destructive fire Supporter of a group, person or cause
Question of the Day – Part II continue Finish your Part II questions Complete character traits for Moishe the Beadle
On a blank piece of paper, put the following events in order Mrs. Schachter keeps screaming that she sees a fire. Elie is learning about the his religion from Moishe the Beadle. Elie and his family are forced onto cattle cars and headed for the concentration camps The Jews are forced into Ghettos The Germans come into Sighet and enact edicts against Jews ________________________________________ Look on page 19. Who does Elie say he hates to this day, and why does he hate them? 5 1 4 3 2
Vocabulary Part II Irrevocably -pg 24 – Hermetically -pg 24 - Unable to be recalled or return To be sealed airtight
Vocabulary Sage pg 31 Antechamber pg 34 Vigor pg 35 Lucidity pg 36 Wise person A smaller room; entrance/waiting room
Warm-up Part III (language arts) Read pages 41-46 What is ironic about the following statements 1. “But we had been marching only a few moments when we saw the barbed wire of another camp. An iron door with this inscription over it: “Work makes you free!” pg 40 2. At every step, white signs with black skulls looked down on us. The inscription: WARNING! Danger of Death. _____________________________________________ 3. What do you think Buna will be like? 4. What will happen to Akiba Drumer?
German Vocabulary – please copy down Pipel – a young boy servant of a Oberkapo (prisoner put in charge of many barracks) Appelplatz- a central area for roll call Blockalteste – the block leader Lageralteste – a prisoner who was a senior leader (privileged position) and was appointed the Nazi guards Kommando – unit or group
Imagery On page 48, Elie describes the head of the block as a man with fleshy lips and hands like a wolf’s paws. Why do you think Wiesel compares both victims and victimizers to animals in this book?
Assignment Read page 47-57 and finish questions 1-3
Warm-up Part VI (adv. L.A.) Identify the irony in each passage: “But we had been marching only a few moments when we saw the barded wire of another camp. An iron door with this inscription over it: “Work is liberty” “The SS gave us a fine New Year’s gift…And soon a terrible word was circulating—selection.” “I’ve got more faith in Hitler than in anyone else. He’s the only one who’s kept his promises, all his promises, to the Jewish people.
Continued (adv L.A.) What went through Elie’s mind on the march? How was he able to keep himself going? Vocabulary: Sage (pg76) Categorical (pg78)
Part VII –Warm up What is the difference in people between their first cattle car ride and this one? What do you believe the climax of this story will be? (moment of highest intensity) If you define “climax” as the turning point in the story, what would have that been?
End of Novel (warm-up) Now that you have read the end of the book, what is the climax and resolution? 2. What will you remember longest about this book? Which images will stick with you? Has it changed your thinking in any way? Which parts did you find the saddest? Most horrifying? Most angering? Most surprising? Most confusing? Most touching?
End of Novel (warm-up II) In the preface, Brown mentions that Wiesel had trouble finding a publisher –”Such depressing subject matter.” What would you to say to a publisher, parent or student who has that complaint about his book?
Warm up (part V) Finish the irony passage in your packet from page 66 (it is 69 in your book) Identify the meaning of the simile near the top of page 67 …..bent over like trees in a storm TODAY… finish reading (pg 75-84) and finish comprehension questions
Part VI: Warm up Directions: Please answer the questions below on a separate piece of paper and attach to question sheet See the simile on pg 87… “ These human waves were rolling forward and would have crushed me like an ant.” Why does he describe the wave as a human wave? Why does Elie compare himself to an ant? What is the difference between a simile and metaphor PREDICTION: How will Wiesel react when he is finally free?
Assignment Finish reading Part V Finish Part V questions With a partner complete character traits on Chlomo Wiesel (Elie’s father) and Akiba Drumer (45, 51, 76-77)