Accessing Employee Assistance Programs: The Why, When and How Case Management Symposium September 27, 2016
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Words of Wisdom “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”
Canada’s Emotional Health -CMHA 20% of Canadians will personally experience a mental health issue in their lifetime. 8% of adults will experience depression at some time in their lives. Suicide accounts for 24% of all deaths among 15-24 year olds and 16% among 25-44 year olds. Canadian Mental Health Association Website:
Canada’s Emotional Health -CMHA 5% of male youth and 12% of female youth, age 12 to 19, have experienced a major depressive episode. The total number of 12-19 year olds at risk for developing depression is estimated at 3.2 million. In Canada, only 1 out of 5 children who need mental health services receives them.
Why an EAP ? Unresolved personal problems can negatively affect an employee’s health and work performance. Personal problems can create a safety hazard for the employee, fellow employees and the general public. Distressed employees are: - involved in 3 times more accidents - 5 times more likely to file for WCB - 4 times more likely to miss work - make more health insurance claims - more likely to produce errors - may cause distress for others in the workplace
The Economic Cost 2011 study found that absenteeism and presenteeism due to mental health problems cost Canadian business $6-billion annually. Mental health is the fastest growing disability claim in Canada’s workplace. 2010 report found that the private sector spends between $180 and $300-million annually on STD benefits and $135-million on LTD claims. Financial Post February 2013 – Study conducted by RiskAnalytica for Mental Health Commission of Canada
Why Now ? We know that: Lifestyle diseases account for 50% of all illnesses. Mental Health conditions and addictions account for 2/3 of all disability insurance claims. 10-15% of the workforce uses alcohol and drugs to the extent that it affects their personal and professional lives. Up to 15% of the workforce is distressed to a level which affects daily productivity. 40% of Canadian marriages experience significant distress.
Heart Attack Grill
Hangover Bus
Words of Wisdom “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” “Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical.”
Misconceptions More than 25% of respondents felt they could not trust people with a mental illness. 24% indicated that they are afraid to be around people with mental health problems. 25% stated that they do not have sympathy for people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol. Angus Reid 2012 Public Opinion Poll of 1000 Canadians. Conducted in conjunction with the Salvation Army.
What is an EAP An employer sponsored program designed to assist employees and their families in the identification and resolution of personal problems affecting their health and well-being.
Key Characteristics Confidential Anonymous Voluntary 24/7 coverage Professional Experience Comprehensive Cultural relevancy No cost to employee Available to family members
What do EAPs Do ? Broad range of problems addressed by EAP include: Family/parenting Marital/relationship Personal/emotional/behavioral problems Occupational stress/adjustment Addictions (alcohol, drug, and problem gambling) Trauma; critical incident
EAP Industry Needs Higher usage Better ROI data Increased purchaser knowledge Innovative services Succession planning
EAP Industry Challenges Strong need to destigmitize access and use Move away from lowest bid wins and/or “check the box” decision-making Transition from being a commodity to being a valued partner Show value beyond utilization Support managers / supervisors Better linkage with disability group in the area of relapse prevention
Reality Check Workforce is changing Younger workforce have differing needs Mental health issues are on the rise EAPs need to stay pace with both technology and service providers Core technologies and services only good if accessed and workers engaged
Building Healthy Workplaces
Building Healthy Workplaces Create a safe work environment. Promote and support work-life balance. Create a culture of support, respect & fairness. Promote employee involvement & development. Increase job control. Promote healthy interpersonal relationships at work
Reduce Depression Risk at the Individual Level Increase resilience by teaching/promoting: Social skills Problem solving Time management Goal setting Mood management
Reduce Depression Risk at the Intervention Level Reduce Stigma Early Intervention Train managers / supervisors in the identification of mental health issues Ensure employees have knowledge of benefits Provide relapse prevention
Words of Wisdom “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” “It ain’t over till it’s over.”
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