The 3-D IT: The new challenge for ATLAS Pixel detectors CPPM Marseille (France): B. Chantepie, J.-C. Clémens, R. Fei, D. Fougeron, S. Godiot, P. Pangaud, A. Rozanov Bonn University (Germany): D. Arutinov, M. Barbero, T. Hemperek, M. Karagounis, H. Krüger, A. Kruth, N. Wermes. LBNL Berkeley (USA): J. Fleury, M. Garcia-Sciveres, A. Mekkaoui
Hybrid Pixel Detectors for particles trackers An early 3-D approach!! Choice of several sensors for particles detection (HR Si, diamant,3D..) Dedicated electronic chip AND A bump-bonding solder for interconnection Sensors for ionizing particles (e-, photon, gamma, etc ..) Electronic pixel readout Monolithic device Analog detection (low noise, low power) Digital readout
ATLAS Pixel Detectors for LHC/SLHC LHC : Luminosity of 1034 cm-2.s-1 SLHC expected 10 times more !!! Hybrid Pixels Detector of ATLAS/LHC Like a big camera with a 1.5 m2 area and 80 Million of Pixels with a snapshot every 25ns Hybrid Pixels Detector of ATLAS/SLHC More luminosity, more pixels more ionizing particles, more … !!!
Atlas upgrades / SLHC : Why 3-D approach?
Tezzaron-Chartered 3D MPW : ATLAS/SLHC sub-part C and D Sub-part LBL G Sub-part G1 G2
Fermilab 3-D Multi-Project Run : C-Band ATLAS FETC4-AE SEU-3D FETC4-DS TSV Daisy Chain + BI Electrical Test TSV vs Transistors + capacitors Mechanical stress DFF + Trans + Cap FETC4-AE (CPPM) : same than FEI4_Proto1, but in Chartered 0.13LP FETC4-DS (CPPM) : Shift Register + counter + readout data and ”Drum registers“ SEU-3D (CPPM) : SEUless memories blocks General test structures (CPPM) : TSV + BI Daisy chain (electrical parameters) ; TSV capacitors value with and without BackMetal and BI ; Transistors (Linear and ELT) closed to TSV ; Mechanical stress effects of devices (Trans, Cap, Res, DFF)
Fermilab 3-D Multi-Project Run : D-Band ATLAS FETC4-AE FETC4-DC OmegaPix Analog Digital Electrical Test TSV vs Transistors TSV, Cap and Bump FETC4-AE (CPPM) : same than FEI4_Proto1, but in Chartered 0.13LP FETC4-DC (Bonn-CPPM) : Digital pixels Read-out "à la FEI4“ (M.Barbero) OmegaPix (LAL) : see (D. Thienpont ) presentation General test structures (CPPM) : TSV + BI Daisy chain (electrical parameters) ; TSV capacitors value with and without BackMetal and BI ; Transistors (Linear and ELT) closed to TSV ; Mechanical stress effects of devices (Trans, Cap, Res, DFF)
Fermilab 3-D Multi-Project Run : G-Band LBNL- Fermilab FETC4-AH FETC4-DS FETC4-AH (LBL-CPPM) : same than FEI4_Proto1 but with holes collection. FETC4-DS (CPPM) : Shift Register + counter + readout data and ”Drum registers“
FETC4 - Atlas 3-D Read-Out chip Fermilab proposal 3D HEP consortium Tezzaron-Chartered MPW FETC4-AEDS FETC4-AEDC Tezzaron Chartered 1st MPW Run (Summer 2009) Chartered 1st Prototype (Feb 2009) FEC4-P1 Chartered 2nd Prototype (Nov 2009) FEC4-P2 FETC4-A ATLAS 3D Read-Out chip Pixel size : 50 x 125 µm Pixel array size : 160 x 336 Chip size : 19 x 20 mm Chartered 3rd Prototype (June 2010) FEC4-P3 Tezzaron Chartered 2nd MPW Run (?)
FETC4_AEDS (DC) : Atlas 3-D Read-Out proto chip 2 Tiers + Sensor Analog part : Tier 1 (C1, D1) thinned to use SuperContact which are connected to the Back side metal (wire and bump-bonding interface) Digital part : Tier 2 (C2, D2). Sensor : Tier 0 M5 M4 M3 M2 M1 M6 SuperContact Bond Interface Tier 2 (thinned wafer) Tier 1 Back Side Metal sensor
FETC4_AEDS (DC) : Atlas 3-D Read-Out proto chip Sensor aspect Sensor layout : Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, Werner Heisenberg Institut , Munich Bump-Bonding : IZM , Munich Due to the bonding constraints, the geometrical sensor area had to be shrink Sensor : 7 columns of 48 pixels Tier 1 and Tier 2 : 14 columns of 61 pixels
Tezzaron-Chartered 3D MPW (C1 and D1) : Analog Tier FETC4-AE Based from the FEI4-P1 chip made in IBM 0.13µm technology : Signal from Sensor, via TSVs 2 ways for read-out the discriminator: By the classical way in Tier1 By the FEC4-DS or DC chip (Tier 2) via the BI.
Tezzaron-Chartered 3D MPW (C2) : Digital Tier FETC4-DS 3 functions : Read-out the analog Tier 1 Noise generator (pick-up, coupling, etc…) in front of 11 specifics area of Tier 1 (preamplifier, feed-back capacitor, DAC…) Several programmable shielding configuration Analog tier and Digital tiers are face-to-face with only ~5µm of distance FE-TC4-DS is mainly dedicated to study the parasitic coupling between two tiers ANALOGUE DIGITAL
ATLAS chips - historical review : FEC4-P1 and FETC4-AEDS(DC) FEC4-P1, run 2D (submission February 2009, test April 2009) : 2D run in 0.13LP Chartered technology. 1st approach Layout translation of FEI4-P1 IBM 0.13µm 8LM to FEC4-P1 CHRT 0.13µm 8LM FETC4-AEDS (DC) (submission July 2009, test expecting before summer 2010) : 3D run in 0.13LP Tezzaron-Chartered technology. Layout translation of FEI4-P1 IBM 0.13µm 8LM to FETC4-P1 CHRT 0.13µm 5LM Move from de 8LM to 5LM 3D structures Two additional Digitals Tiers
ATLAS chips - historical review : FEC4-P1 et FEC4-P2 Test Results of FEC4-P1 : Chip is working The minimum threshold is # 1100 e- ; threshold resolution# 200 e-; Noise < 80 e- Irradiation : the chip is working for a X-rays dose rate up to 200MRad Defected has been found for an protons dose-rate up to 160 MRad. The memories structures (Latches) stacked up to 1. FEC4-P2, run 2D (submission November 2009, chip under test) : 2D run in 0.13LP Chartered technology. 2nd prototype to corrected the first one. Analog Part : Optimization of the transistors size dedicated to the Chartered constraints technology Digital Part : Memories latches => modification with 2 kinds of architecture. Layout optimization.
FEx4 ATLAS chips : next in 2010… FEC4-P3, run 2D (submission June 2010) : 2D run in 0.13LP Chartered technology. Hope last prototype . To finished the translation of the last building blocks in CHRT technology : Current Ref, PLL, LVDS, etc … Pixel modification : to shrink pixel size to 125µm and to reduce the metal levels to 5. Structures ready for the 3D chip FETC4-A, run 3D (before the end of 2010) : Very large matrix size : 336 x 80 Small pixel size : 125µm x 50µm Twin of FEI4-A but with an half size pixel.
Feedback of 3D development 3D vision Long understanding 3D Tezzaron process Bad layer numbers definition 2 TopMetal but 1 TM for BI !!! Backside Metal : poor rules!! Filling!! And floating metal !! PDK Chartered PDK is not really a PDK but pieces of PDK Very poor PDK with not optimized PCELLS regarding min values of rules !!! Chartered PDK is not stable and need to be wary all the time (no support but only access to GlobalFoundries site!!) Ever requested, never replied !!! Sub-versions of Calibre files are not compatible between us (bad experience with FEC4_P1) Home-made 3D DRC-LVS calibre deck tools Check face to face BI connections Check TSV density Bad layers definitions, source of mistakes Developed our own StreamLayers file Now we switched to the Cadence OA version Only one PDK up-to-date, from one source, with one support team, and contact persons Request