Infrastructure Program Safe Routes to School Infrastructure Program
What is the SRTS Infrastructure Program? HB 2017 Dedicated $10 million annually Increasing to $15 million annually 2023 Purpose: build projects in 1 mile radius of schools
Important Facts Projects must be within public right of way 40% cash match for the funds (OTC) may reduce the cash match to 20% when the project is within a city of 5,000 people or less, or is near a Title I school, or is along a “Priority Safety Corridor.”
How the funds will be programmed? Rapid Response Program Technical Services Competitive Program No more than 10 percent of funds set aside for urgent needs or systemic safety issues. No more than 2.5 percent of funds can be used for technical services to help communities apply for projects. The remainder of funds (87.5%) will be set aside for a competitive program for which cities, counties, ODOT, transit agencies and tribes could apply.
Eligibility Cities, counties, ODOT, tribes, and transit agencies Bikeway, walkway or crossing safety improvements Must be identified in a plan Signatures of roadway authority Letter of support from school district or school impacted Verification of match
Public Engagement Public comment At all RAC meetings Comment period – April –May 2018 Public Hearing May 9, 2018 in Salem (remote option)
More information? RAC materials RAC.aspx Questions? LeeAnne Fergason ODOT Safe Routes to School Program Manager 503-986-5805