REAch2 local governance Transition Board Local Governing Body Interim, up to a year from point of joining the Trust Permanent, with 4 year terms for individual members Membership appointed by the executive Different routes for different governor types: 3 x staff as below 2 elected parent governors 4 ‘trust-appointed’ governors (Regional Ambassador sign-off) Up to 3 ‘co-opted’ governors REAch2 regional/central staff amongst membership Only 3 members can be REAch2 staff – HT ex officio, elected teaching and non-teaching staff governors No committees Pref no committees, but each LGB to decide, with Regional Non-Executive sign-off… REAch2 central/regional staff can help with remit even if not part of board SLT and governors likely to liaise with R2 staff but LGB ultimately responsible for carrying out its remit Real focus on rapid school improvement Statutory and other duties too!