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Presentation transcript:

Po’RSILDOQ YARA , TERINING VIRUSLI DERMATOZLARI maruzalar Teri tanosil kasalliklar kafedrasi Teri tanosil kasalliklar fani Po’RSILDOQ YARA , TERINING VIRUSLI DERMATOZLARI maruzalar

*infekciyalar ( viruslar ) * Almashuv –endokrin uzgarishlar Po’rsildoq yara kasalligi –surunkali kechuvchi , yemonsifatli,autoimmun dermatoz Terida , shilliq qavatlarda akantolisis natijasida pufaklar paido bo’ladi , bir biri bilan qushilib , butun teri buyicha tarqalishadi . Olib keluvchi omillar *infekciyalar ( viruslar ) * Almashuv –endokrin uzgarishlar Asab va tomirlar tizimida uzgarishlar Suv –tuzli almasyuvining buzilishi Buyrak osti bezini faoliyatini buzilishi

Patogenez : *epidermisning tikanaksimon qavatiga nomalum zararlanuvchi agentning ta’siri *yadroli DNK tuplanishi * Tikanaksimon qavatining xujayralarning va xujayralar aro moddalarning antigaen strukturasini uzgarishi * tikanaksimon qavatida Ig G sinfidagi antitanachalarning tuplanishi va xujayralarning mtmbranasiga ta’sir qilishi *Proteolitik fermentlarni chiqishi desmosomslarning buzilishi Proteoliz sistemasining aktivaciyasi , akantoliz rivojlanishi Pa

Tasnifi Laboratoriya tashhisi Vulgar yeki oddiy Тarqaluvchi Bargsimon Seboreyali HARAKTERLI BELGILAR Simptom Nikolskogo Simptom Asbo-Hanzena Laboratoriya tashhisi Tcank hujayralarning mikroskopiya tekshiruvi Biopsiya orqali gistologiya tekshiruvi Immunofluorescenciya reakciyasi

Oddiy terida va shilliq qavatlarda monofakal pufaklar Po’rsildoq yaraning klinik manzarasi Oddiy terida va shilliq qavatlarda monofakal pufaklar Тarqaluvchi – shilinishlar periferiya bo’ylab o’sadi , ustida yemon hidli vegetaciyalar kuzatiladi . Bargsimon –shilliq qavatlar shikastlanadi , shilinishlar ustida qat-qat qaloqlar paydo buladi Seboreyali turi – Po’rsildoq yara , seboreya, qizil yuguruk alomatlari kuzatiladi

Differencial tashhis Bullez pemfigoid Dermatoz Duringa Kup shakkli ekssudativ eritema

DAVOLASH Kortikosteroidlar Geparin Immunostimulatorlar Antistafilokkokli plazma Qon quyish ,gemosorbciya Plazmafarez Parhez Kaliy vositalari Quvvatlaydigan terapiya

DERMATIT DURINGA Surunkali kechuvchi pufakli polimorf dermatoz .Toshmalar gerpessimon joylashadi ,jarayenlarda achishish ,og’riq kuzatiladi

Olib keluvchi omillar Donli usimliklarning gluteniga , galoidlarga uta sezuvchanligi Malabsorbciya ( glutenli enteropatiya ) Neyroendokrin uzgarishlar Homiladorlik Menopauza Infekciyalar

Patogenez Kleykovina gluteniga uta sezuvchanlik Ingichka ichakning tuqimali elementlarning antigeniga immun komplexlarni hosil bulishi Dermaning surgichlarida immunoglobulinlarning tuplanishi Subepidermal pufaklar , pufakchalar hosil bulishi Qon zardobining antioksidant faolligini susayishi

GDDbelgilari Surunkali qaytalanuvchi kechishi Polimorf guruchlashgan toshmalar Qichishish , achishish

Klinik turlari - Mayda pufakli Yirik pufakli Toshmalar guruh bo’lib joylashgan eritema fonida papulez , urtikar , vezikulez , bullez toshmalar

Laboratoriya diagnostokasi Qonda eozinofiliya / 30% quproq / Qonda gipoalbuminemiya Globulin frakciyasini ko’payishi Surtmalarda - eozinofiliya Yadasson sinamasi musbat

Profilaktika Bemorlarga mumkin emas Guruch , arpa ,bugdoy Тarkibida yod bor mahsulotlari / dengiz karami, kapusta /

Virusli kasalliklar Klassifikaciya Oddiy gerpes / pufakchali temitatki / O’ rab oluvchi temitatki Sugallar Кontagioz mollusk

Klinika Oddiy gerpesda –eritematoz fonida guruh bo’lib joylashgan kupkamerali pufakchalar , gajimdor eroziyalar O’rab oluvchi temiratkida innervaciya buylab joylashishi Ogriq ,achishish ,qichishish kuzatiladi

O’rab oluvchi temiratkining klinik turlari Abortiv Gemoragik Bullez Gangrenoz Generalizaciyalangan

Diagnostika Harakterli klinik turi Laboratoriya diagnostikasi

Davolash Virusga qarshi dori –vositalar Malhamlar Immunostimulaciya Vitaminoterapiya Parhez

During dermatiti

ogiz shilliq qavatining shikastlanishi

Diagnostika Nikolskiy simptomi Citologik usul va PIF yerdamida akantolitik (Tcank ) hujayralarini aniqlash

The subject: «Pemphigus and viral dermatosis».     Pemphigus- malignant taking chronic autoimmune dermatosis. Accompanied by the development of vesicular in the skin and mucous membranes. The vesicular tend to merge and spread on the skin. There has been a marked toxemia. Without corticosteroid therapy ends fatal. Risk factors: infection, exchange-endocrine disruption. Pemphigus is an autoimmune disease. Diseases in the group bullosis dermatosis: - pemphigus, dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring, non acantholyticus pemphigus (Lever pemfigoid). - Signs of determining the true pemphigus: - long wave (progressive without treatment) within, monomorphis cystic rashes on the skin and mucous membranes; autoimmune pathogenesis, with the development of blistering acantholysis. Classification of true pemphigus: - vulgar (normal); vegetating - fuliaccis (exfoliate) - seborrhoicus. Symptoms characteristic of pemphigus: - Nicholas symptom - a symptom of Asbo-Hansen. The laboratory methods used to confirm the diagnosis of pemphigus: take a print from the center of smear and microscopic study of the existence of cells Ttsanka (acantholyticals cells) - histological study by biopsy sampling - a method of direct immunnoflyuorestsentsii. The main drugs used in the treatment of pemphigus - corticosteroid drugs. HERPETIFORMIS dermatosis DUHRING - Chronic papula dermatosis with polymorphic herpethyformis location elements , burning and pain in the lesion sites, developing as a result of violations of absorption in the small intestine (malabsorption syndrome) and the formation of immunoallergic reactions.Faktory risk-_high sensitivity to glutens cereal plants, and halogens, the syndrome malabsorption (glyutenens entheropatiya), neuroendocrine disorders, pregnancy, menopause, disease. Pathogenesis - Hypersensitivity to gluten Clinic - Clinical rash polymorphic forms big pemphigus, small pemphigus. - The main features that define dermatitis Duhring: - chronic recurrence dermal - polymorphic eruption grouped-intense itching, burning feeling, paresthesia;         Primary elements of a rash dermatitis Duhring: - erythematous - papulosis - urticalis - vezikularis - bullosis.Changes in the blood, which can be detected in patients with dermatitis Duhring: - eosinophilia of more than 30% - gipoalbuminemiya with going up- globulin Thrace.  Virus diseases of skin. Diseases of viral etiology: - herpes simplex (herpes vesicularis) - shingles (Herpes zoster); a wart, contagious mollusk, knots doilschits (false cow pox). Characteristic of localized herpes simplex: the wings of the nose, corners of mouth, the red border of lips, genitals, mucous in the mouth (thrush). Treatment of antiviral drugs