Sabrina Iavarone Senior User Services Officer The Administrative Data Research Network NTTS Conference – 14th March 2017, Brussels Sabrina Iavarone Senior User Services Officer
This presentation What we do About the Network Some background Safe exchange & disclosure of microdata with the ADRN The Administrative Data Research Network| NTTS| 14-03-2017
What we do (1) Provide a robust governance structure overseen by Parliament and the UK Statistics Authority Independent scrutiny of research proposals Opportunity for government departments to approve/ reject data access requests Facilitate access to linked administrative data for socio-economic research with potential public benefit Identify and develop pathways to access Negotiate access on behalf of researchers The Administrative Data Research Network| NTTS| 14-03-2017
What we do (2) Provide a secure linkage service via Trusted Third Parties Train researchers in data security Implement a secure national infrastructure to enable data analysis to be carried out with the minimum risk of disclosure Undertake original socio economic and methodological research Clear concise research reports on project completion The Administrative Data Research Network| NTTS| 14-03-2017
About the Network (1) – Our structure Administrative Data Service - University of Essex [Network coordination, first point of contact, UK data negotiations] 4 Administrative Data Research Centres [secure environments, research support, original research] England – University of Southampton Northern Ireland – Queens University Belfast Scotland – University of Edinburgh Wales – Swansea University The Administrative Data Research Network| NTTS| 14-03-2017
About the Network (2) - How It Works The Administrative Data Research Network| NTTS| 14-03-2017
Some background…(1) Dialogue on data - public engagement research commissioned by ESRC & ONS, conducted by Ipsos MORI Public attitude towards the use of government administrative data linking for research purposes The Administrative Data Research Network| NTTS| 14-03-2017
Some background… (2) Low awareness and understanding of value of social research Social benefits necessary But no clear definition of ‘social benefit’ Familiar with importance of data in modern society But worried about data security The Administrative Data Research Network| NTTS| 14-03-2017
Some background …(3) - Administrative Data in the UK administrative records are collected differently not always fit for research, not well documented; no explicit consent no common unique identifier that could help linkage data retention policies vary devolution = 4 countries different levels of legislative, administrative & budgetary autonomy acquiring data requires coordination and negotiation with multiple data owners and other parties – challenging, time and resources needed different legal pathways different levels of legislative, administrative & budgetary autonomy for each country (“devolved powers” e.g. education, health, income/tax) acquiring data requires coordination and negotiation with multiple data owners and other parties different legal pathways involved for each country administrative records are collected differently not always fit for research purposes (operational records); not well documented no common unique identifier that could help linkage data retention policies vary
Safe exchange & disclosure of microdata with the ADRN (1) Criteria: Non-commercial research Evident potential public benefit Unit level administrative data essential to research Can‘t get data via existing services Different from usual government operational analytical activities Administrative Data Research Network| NTTS | 14-03-2017
Safe exchange & disclosure of microdata with the ADRN (2) Researchers: From academia, the public sector or an RCUK independent research organisation Capable of carrying out the research either independently or under the direction of an appropriate supervisor or lead investigator; Willing to complete the joint Safe Use of Research Environments Training (UK Data Service, ADRN, HMRC, ONS) ‘Guaranteed’ by affiliated institution Independent research organisation = organisations on the Research Councils UK list of eligible independent research organisations ( Third sector organisations can gain access to research carried out within ADRN by partnering with an academic or government researchers. I am not affiliated with an academic institution, can I still use the ADRN? Researchers can also be from: a government department or agency a research organisation eligible for Research Council UK funding. Researchers using the ADRN need to: complete a Researcher Application form countersigned by your Institutional Guarantor accept ADRN Terms of Use and Breaches Policy successfully complete training Early career researchers and PhD students: also need to be supported by a Supervisor or experienced member of the research team. The institutional guarantor: A person within your organisation with the legal power to act on their behalf. e.g. The Director of Research Grants and Contracts, or similar person with the appropriate legal status Information is available on our website if you need to: provide them with information about the ADRN explain their role and purpose in ADRN processes. What does the training involve? You will need to complete the training shortly before you access the data. It provides researchers with: the legal framework around research using administrative data a basic understanding of how to safely analyse and publish administrative data, and the principles of statistical disclosure . Successfully completely the training is the last part of meeting our requirements And the good news is you won’t need to complete this process again for any other ADRN projects you part of – as long as your training is up to date and you don’t change institutions. The Administrative Data Research Network| NTTS| 14-03-2017
Safe exchange & disclosure of microdata with the ADRN (3) Data Linkage: Provide a secure linkage via Trusted Third Party Linkage to researchers’ surveys only with consent from respondents or participants to link the data The data controllers’ permission to link it to researchers’ data Use of Trusted Third Parties to ensure separation of identities and research data proved to be very effective in reassuring focus groups that respondent confidentiality is being preserved The Administrative Data Research Network| NTTS| 14-03-2017
Safe exchange & disclosure of microdata with the ADRN (4) Data Analysis: All data analysis and processing by researchers takes place within a secure environment. ADRN does not disseminate datasets, only data access. All data provided to ADRN remain within the secure environment in one of the ADRCs. All analyses and results that researchers wish to place in the public domain are checked for possible disclosure by at least two ADRN staff members before being released. The Administrative Data Research Network| NTTS| 14-03-2017
Questions? Project Ideas? Get in touch… w: w: e: t: +44 01206 873435 tw: @adrn_uk The Administrative Data Research Network is funded by the ESRC.