Wellington 16 the April 2014, Rehabilitation International


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Presentation transcript:

Wellington 16 the April 2014, Rehabilitation International 23.11.2018 Mental Health Policy in the European Union Wellington 16 the April 2014, Rehabilitation International Effective policy Setting Professor Veijo Notkola Rehabilitation Foundation, Finland


23.11.2018 Recipients of rehabilitation benefits and services by disease in Finland, 1990-2012

WHO : European Mental Health Action Plan 23.11.2018 WHO : European Mental Health Action Plan increased support for mental health needs in antenatal and postnatal care, screening for domestic violence and alcohol abuse; opportunities for employment, housing and education for people with mental health problems equal to those available to others; community-based mental health services accessible to all groups in the population; therapeutic hospital care, offering individualized and civil treatment; effective treatment made available on criteria of both efficiency and fairness; to ensure that people with mental health problems have a life expectancy equal to that of the general population.

European Mental Health Action Plan The Action Plan will run through 2020. Further information is available on the WHO Regional Office web site (http://www.euro.who.int/en/who-we-are/governance/regional-committee-for-europe/sixty-third-session/working-documents/eurrc6311-the-european-mental-health-action-plan). Alaviite

23.11.2018 Mental Health Systems in the European Union Member States, Status of Mental Health in Populations and Benefits to be Expected from Investments into Mental Health, Project Lead: Gerry Carton 29 country profiles (EU Member States and other countries, including Croatia and Norway) suggestions for strengthening systems to support prevention and promotion; to analyse economic and social benefits of investments in prevention and promotion; clarify existing monitoring indicators to assess the quality of mental healthcare; Clarify future plans for prevention and promotion in Member States and other countries; To discuss and develop policy recommendations for Member States and the European Commission.

Analysis of country profiles – key findings 23.11.2018 Analysis of country profiles – key findings Eleven countries continue to provide long-stay hospital care, some of which are still in transition towards community based mental health services. Community mental health services in different forms were present in almost all countries. Only eight countries had a comprehensive range of community-based services. Variations and gaps in mental health services were found. The uneven distribution of services was a particular problem for several countries with relatively well-developed community based services. Some countries reported a lack of even basic community services such as outpatient clinics, and child and adolescent psychiatric services. All countries had mental illness and promotion of mental health initiatives; About 63% of these were prevention programmes mostly in schools (41.8%). Work-based programmes mostly combined prevention and promotion (28.2% ). Only 7% of all reported iniativies targeted older people.

”Most” important policy recommendations 23.11.2018 ”Most” important policy recommendations Strengthen mental health promotion and prevention of mental illness Promote mental health and well being Promote the transition towards mental health services that are integrated into the community and ensure a better distribution of and access to services Improving the availability of data on the mental health status in the population and defining, collecting and disseminating good practices Who follows?

23.11.2018 The case of Finland, some new policy development in practice (Idea, no one is left alone) Children and young persons in risk of social exclusion (Youth Guarantee) Strengthening the employment opportunities of long term unemployed persons and the disabled (occupational health service for unemployed) Aiming to decrease disability pensions due to mental disorders. Early prevention, 30–60–90 day rule, employer have to contact after 30 sickness day, evaluation of the need of rehabilitation after 60 days, the assesment of workability after 90 sickness days. The new rehabilitation ”couch service” developed together with different stake-holders

23.11.2018 Thank you!