IUC / NHS 111 Workforce Blueprint


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Presentation transcript:

IUC / NHS 111 Workforce Blueprint Maturity Index: 9th Key Element Including Commissioner Guidance v0.11 draft

Date level is minimum required status IUC Workforce Blueprint – Target Status by Financial Year 9th Key Element – Measurement to commence September 2018 Date level is minimum required status Level 5 Exemplary YR 2020 + Level 4 Mature YR 2019 - 2020 Level 3 Established YR 2018/19 Q3 - Q4 Level 2 Plans in place Q1 - Q2 Level 1 Not yet established YR 2018

IUC Workforce Blueprint – Maturity Index Metric Guide Overall Delivery Confidence Criteria for Assessment Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Plans not yet established Plans in place Established Mature Exemplary Discussions have not yet commenced between Providers and Commissioners There is no active engagement with regional IUC / UEC Leads across stakeholder organisations This is unlikely to be the current status for many providers as the majority of providers participated in the development of components of the Workforce Blueprint Providers are not expected to have established plans against all components of the Workforce Blueprint prior to its publication on 6th March 2018 This status is only applicable to extant contracts and for any contracts let against procurement requirements published before 6th March 2018; plans must be included within contracting arrangements after this date Workforce plans are required across all elements of IUC, including extending into the Clinical Assessment Services areas Strategic workforce delivery plan for implementation of the Workforce Blueprint formally agreed, but not fully implemented, between commissioners and providers Providers actively engaged and planning with regional leads across commissioners, HEE regional team, LWAB and regional IUC and UEC leads Leads must be identified against each component of the Workforce Blueprint with providers and relevant stakeholders e.g. with Higher Education partner for the Accreditation & Training, etc. Where procurement is ongoing for service providers or an existing contract has a short term left to run, this status will include appropriate components specified within the tender and contracting processes and documentation This will be based upon the strategic plan detailed within the PLANS IN PLACE status There is a detailed delivery plan in place for each of the Workforce Blueprint components, with trajectory for implementation and monitoring arrangements agreed, signed-off across relevant stakeholders/partners It includes joint working with appropriate and relevant stakeholders e.g. HEE, LWAB, NHSI, NHSE, ICS, etc. Includes local engagement with patients, staff and staff representatives who are engaged with and involved in the delivery plan The Workforce Blueprint is implemented across the IUC provider against delivery plans Workforce Blueprint implementation status will be monitored and assured through agreed metrics with commissioners that are regularly reviewed Work will have commenced to identify opportunities to undertake local innovation and further development of the workforce in meeting the needs of patients and the system This status will see fully assured implementation of the Workforce Blueprint together with associated evidence from local quality metrics It will also include evidence of ongoing local innovation and workforce development implementation Innovation and development will be shared with the national IUC team to support review of national strategy Commissioners and providers will seek to share best practice across England

Commissioner Assurance Guidance: Key assurance questions

IUC Workforce Blueprint - Commissioner Assurance Guidance Purpose: To enable successful mobilisation of the Workforce Blueprint and delivery assurance To support Maturity Index monitoring Provide consistent approach to assurance of Workforce Blueprint delivery Limitations Limited guidance and still requires commissioner expertise and detailed assurance Does not replace the IUC Service Specification mandates, instead supports its implementation The questions are not exhaustive

Workforce Planning Questions Is there evidence of plans and delivery of demand based planning including by role and profession? Is there clarity around the workforce establishment? Specifically: Agency / contractors use Fixed term contracts Vacancy numbers and lengths Plans for recruitment and retention Is there visibility of attrition and sickness rates? What are the plans for intervention, support and targets for reduction in attrition and sickness? Is there seasonal forward planning in place e.g. public holidays, festive, weather contingency? Do all rotas for all staff, including part-time workers, include rostered shifts/time for educational, training, governance, supervision, etc.?

National Career Framework Alignment Are there plans in place and/or evidence of alignment to the National Career Framework Skills for Health levels 2-6 and 7-9 for IUC? Do staff and the organisation have a progression road map towards mapping to Career Framework grading? Is there opportunity for the future development of all staff, including career gateway progression? Does the organisation’s workforce plan include alignment to the National Career Framework roles to cover gaps? Do plans extend across all Workforce Blueprint components of the IUC service, including the CAS? Are there plans in place/active use of apprenticeship utilisation?

Business as usual staff governance and support Is there a clear plan for staff support, mentoring and supervision? Are the elements of the Workforce Governance guide embedded across the organisation? Is there compliance with Statutory and Mandatory training in the workforce and in all new starters e.g. Information Governance, Information Security and Safeguarding, etc? Is there a review process in place to manage staff so that individual and collective performance meets the needs of patients e.g. PDRs, 360 feedback, mentoring, E2E reviews, audit and supervision, etc? Are there plans in place/delivery for rotational working practices for staff working across UEC? Are there plans in place/participation in Leadership development across all grades? Are there plans in place/activities for mental health and well-being interventions and support?

Implementing the 9th Key Element Commissioner support pack For more information contact: England.WorkforceDevelopment@nhs.net