Tevere Pilot River Basin


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Presentation transcript:

Tevere Pilot River Basin Common Implementation Strategy for the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) Integrated Testing in the Pilot River Basins Pilot River Basin Workshop Annual review and research & technology integration Ghent 4-5 October 2004 Interaction between the flooding management plan and the WFD management plan in the Tevere River Basin Manuela Ruisi Alfredo Di Domenicantonio Paolo Traversa

Tevere Pilot River Basin Ecoregion 3 Basin surface area 17.374,996 km2 Population 4.344.197 inhabitants

Tevere River Basin Planning and WFD 2000/60 Water Balance plan (Tevere RB Authority) Water Protection Plan (Regional plan) 2005 Adopted Hydrogeological setting plan 2001 Adopted 2005 Approved In consultation WFD 2000/60 Management plan 2006 Art. 5 2003 2005

Hydrogeological setting plan KNOWLEDGE SYSTEM Two activity lines: Geomorphological risk Efficiency of the mountain river basins in terms of hydrogeological defence Slope instability and gravitation movements Hydraulic risk Floodable areas in the flood plains

Hydrogeological setting plan SLOPE EFFICIENCY Analysis carried out on 181 sub-basins (average surface area 100 Km2): Rainfall analysis Geological map 1:25.000 Vegetation coverage map 1:10.000 Slope analysis by DEM Analysis method CN and USLE Identification of homogeneous areas Identification of evolution trends

Hydraulic hazard assessment procedure Hydrological analysis Rated flows calculated for different return times (50, 100, 200, 500 years) Topographic survey in sections spaced at 200-400 Hydraulic mono-dimensional simulation, in stationary motion (code HEC-RAS ver. 2.0) Comparison with the digital elevation model Calculation of the intersection between water surface and topography Delimitation of floodable areas

Hydraulic risk Survey area 1450 kmq 1800 river sections with Air cover ALTM - CASI Survey area 1450 kmq 1800 river sections with first-order leveling Leveling (precision DEM h=30cm pass 2x2mt) Multispectrum images CASI

Hydraulic risk DTM with first-order leveling sections

Hydraulic risk Hydraulic simulation compared with the digital elevation model

Hydraulic risk Flooding areas

Hydraulic risk Land use

Hydraulic risk Town-planning

Hydraulic risk Risk areas (TR = 50)

Hydraulic risk

Hydraulic risk Urban development in floodable areas ANTHROPIC DYNAMICS Loc. Ponte Valle Ceppi Urban development in floodable areas Linear infrastructures development in flood plains 1:25.000 IGM 1932 Imagine CASI 1998

Floodable areas and hydraulic risk in Rome

Hydraulic risk “Ponte Milvio” bridge December 1937 Flood

Hydrogeological setting plan Plan objective Hydraulic risk reduction in alluvial plains through prevention in mountain areas Mountain areas Plan measures: To slow down the runoff in order to increase the infiltration Through Reforestation Hydraulic-forest works

Hydrogeological setting plan Plan objective Hydraulic risck reduction in alluvial plains through prevention in mountain areas Alluvial plain Plan measures: Protection of human life and settlements through norms that regulate the use of the floodable zones Defence works Settlement displacement

Interaction Flooding mp - WFD mp Flooding Plan Measures Interaction with WFD Risk factors Increase of Effective Infiltration Aquifer recharge Reforestation mountain Hydraulic-forest works Alteration of the natural ecosystems Defence works Introduction of HMWB’s Settlement displacement Removal of HMWB’s Alluvial plain Introduction of Fluvial Parks Aquatic ecosystems and Wetlands

Thank you! www.abtevere.it manuela.ruisi@abtevere.it