Geological and environmental investigation of highway projects How the impact is different from a hazard Purpose of construction of road project Geological impact of construction of highway project Environmental impact of construction of highway projects Measures to reduce the impact of construction of proposed highway projects
How the impact is different from a hazard A proposed road project may have various impacts. All these can be predicted well in advance at the time of preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report. Various Impacts of the highway project are Impact on Environment Impact on Economy Impact on Culture Impact on Society.
PURPOSE OF HIGHWAYS Better linkage / connectivity by road Essential for the development of nation Speedy reach of destination Speedy transportation of industrial produce, agri produce, essential commodities. Conservation of fossil fuels spent in transportation, so that fuels can be preserved for future generation, vehicle emissions can be reduced. Cost of transportation can be cut down Industry or commercial operations can be run with least inventory Better convenience to public Industrial development In emergency health facility can be reached faster Better industrial growth, better employment opportunities
Geological impact of construction of highway projects Any lapse in selection of proper alignment will lead more distance to travel Lapses in identification of clay pockets leads to settlement, deformation and frequent damage of roads Loss of construction materials, mineral deposits in case of alignment through these materials
Geological impact of construction of highway projects Compaction of ground leads to less infiltration of rain water in to ground Landslides
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF Construction of highway projects will also have negative impact on environment Loss of forest land if it passes through forest Loss of agricultural land Loss of wild life Change in natural flow of water Compaction of ground leads to less infiltration of rain water in to ground Contributed to floods as we are disturbing the natural flow of streams Soil erosion Road accidents Noise pollution
Loss of forest land Loss of Green Cover/tress, shrubs wooden material Loss of tribal culture/ forces migration of tribals to remote areas Loss of forest produce - nuts, leaves , spices, gum, fruits, honey, plant based medicines, fiber, timber, fire wood etc. Impact on climate, rain fall,/ micro climatic changes Loss of carbon absorption capacity Loss of bio diversity Reduction in cleaning capacity of pollutants
Loss of forest land Loss of educational benefits Loss of tourism Loss of aesthetic effect Forest reduces run off and increases infiltration Reduction in infiltration will leads to reduction in availability of groundwater Contributes to floods Loss of ecological benefits In accessible areas in forest will have access to human beings
Loss of forest produce nuts leaves spices gum fruits honey plant based medicines fiber, timber, fire wood etc.
Impact on climate and rain fall Loss of forest cover results in reduction in co2 absorption capacity in turn capacity to give O2 also comes down Increase in temperature in adjoining areas
Loss of forest land
Loss of wild life Loss of shelter to wild life will lead to migration of wild animals Loss of bio diversity Species may become extinct Livelihood of tribals will get effected
Loss of wildlife
Loss of agricultural land Construction of major road projects leads to loss of thousands of hectares of farmland. Farmers loose their lands and it effects the livelihood of farmers and leads to migration. Reduction in agricultural productivity which in turn effects the agricultural based industry. Farm labor will not have work in that area and this forces to migration of farm labor
Change in natural flow of water Contributes to floods as we are disturbing the natural flow of streams Soil erosion Effects the groundwater recharge .
Soil erosion and landslides
Geological and environmental investigations The purpose of geological and environmental investigation is to identify a suitable site for construction of highway projects - site should be safe( land slides/ settlements/ deformation) - cost of construction should be economic - cause less damage to the natural and man made environment - least distance between the destinations connecting important places We need to identify at least two or more routes, evaluate and finally select the route having minimum damage to the environment , safe and economic.
Environmental investigations Detailed investigations are essential to assess the impact of the proposed high projects on natural and man made environment Impact on forestland Wild life Agricultural land Human settlements Economy Ecological Aesthetic Social Cultural Loss of man made environment such as loss of utility net works, housing, health and education facilities Noise pollution
Geological investigations Utilize remote sensing, geological, topographical maps and hydrological maps, prepare land use land cover maps and go for alignment of route We need to look for shortest possible route Avoid the locations where soft clay pockets are occurring Avoid areas prone to landslides Prefer the route having flat terrain, avoid steep terrain
Highway geological investigations highway alignment ,location of right of way for the proposed construction Subsurface exploration along the highway centre line Classification of materials for excavation ,rock versus common burrow soil Ground water aspects related to construction Evaluation of landslide areas
Evaluating the type of rock Examine whether there is compressible soil Existing maps are studied in order to select the highway alignment. Examine whether there are any river crossing Locations Road distances need to kept minimum
Measures to reduce the impact of highway projects Utilize latest technologies available such as remote sensing to prepare land use land cover maps and align the route that cause minimum damage Avoid passing the route through forests to the possible extent If required the road to pass through forest , go for compensatory afforestation Ensure that highways runs away from residential and sensitive areas so that public will not have disturbance of noise pollution
Measures to reduce the impact of highway projects Adopt all safety measures along highways (underpass, over bridge, fuel stations, emergency vehicles, restaurants, dividers, plantation blockades to prevent lighting effect on drivers , signage boards of safety and other information) resettlement and rehabilitation and compensation in a appreciable manner