Will you vote when you are able? Why or why not? Preview Actvity: Will you vote when you are able? Why or why not?
Testable Information : p.236
Voting is a basic _____________ of citizenship. Who can Vote? Voting is a basic _____________ of citizenship. responsibility
Before you can vote, you must ___________. Who can Vote? Before you can vote, you must ___________. Register
Qualifications to Register &Vote in VA: Who can Vote? Qualifications to Register &Vote in VA: 18 by General Election U.S. Citizen Resident of VA & Precinct
Registration is closed _____ days before Elections. 22
How to Register in Virginia: In Person at Registrar’s Who can Vote? How to Register in Virginia: Online In Person at Registrar’s Office By U.S. Mail DMV
Who can Vote? Only citizens who register can participate in ___________ and ____________ elections. Primary General
Factors in Predicting Who Will vote
The more ____________ one has, the more likely he or she will vote. Who can Vote? Education The more ____________ one has, the more likely he or she will vote. Education
The ________ one is, the more likely he or she will vote. Who can Vote? Age The ________ one is, the more likely he or she will vote. older
The more ____________ one makes, the more likely he or she will vote. Who can Vote? Income The more ____________ one makes, the more likely he or she will vote. Money
Reasons People Don’t Vote Apathy Lack of Interest Failure to Register
Who can Vote? The more important election issues are to people, the more likely people are to __________ and ______. Register Vote
Who can Vote? The percentage of voters who participate in Presidential elections is usually _________ than the percentage of voters who participate in state and local elections. Higher
Who can Vote? (This means that more people vote for ______________ than Governor or Mayor) President
Every Vote Is ____________ Important
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