What's Shaking??
The Well Bore Communication Tool Our Tool The Well Bore Communication Tool
Advantages Monitoring drilling trends and reacting to changes in trends in a timely and appropriate manner are key operational practices in Oil and Gas wells. Consideration will be given to the data collected and the corresponding decisions and actions that need to be taken. It is no secret that today's oil field is full of fancy machinery and up to date technology. At Annular Velocity Innovations or AKA AV innovations we stood back and took a more simplified approach with a simple hand tool plus the use of new app technology. Our tool "The wellbore communication tool" is your easy answer to catching and reporting the down hole cuttings trends that can be sent up line to town or even corporate levels for engineering of same well pad or future oil and gas wells. At AV Innovations by capturing an easy sample at the shaker effluent we can begin our simple math to create a useful reporting trend to our well team. This can also be trended along side of torque, pump pressure, and ECD anomalies, pickup and slack off weights etc. etc. REMEMBER, all of which are "Drilling Trends"
Let's get to the meat, as your hungry for knowledge and knowledge is power!! So let's start our example with Standard rig shakers The width one of these shaker screens and beds is approx 51" Our tool is pre adjusted to catch 1/3 of the one shaker bed By catching a 17" sample with your Well Bore Monitoring Tool we can begin our "Trend Work" Okay, our 15 second sample was caught and weighed with our mechanical and intrinsically safe hanging scale and weighs 2.5 lbs at 15 seconds and 17" wide which is 1/3 of our shaker bed.
Our strategy- let's look at the numbers for our example, 2.5 lbs x 4 (15 second increments) = 10 lbs / min on one third of one shaker bed. 10 lbs x 3 = 30 lbs / min. 1 shaker full shaker bed 30 lbs x 3 shakers on the hole = 90 lbs per min.
Okay, a lot of math per sample you say? With delegation in mind, we have several candidates to choose from for this simple but extremely useful tool. Included but not limited to, Solids control hands, pit hands or even sample catchers. So with the provided iPad and AV Innovations App we simplify the process for any of the above candidates by utilizing our input data. Our Application does the work for you, simply type in the input numbers and receive the output trending data.
Our Excel Calculator
Data can consist of many conclusions Data can consist of many conclusions. A great reporting trend that can be used by way of reporting on the IADC drilling report or your Wellview, Dims, Open Wells etc. The numbers can also be transported via supplied and Intrinsically safe iPad to the company mans inbox. Reports can also be made via EDR. We can begin to develop a clean well bore score while graphing our trends with other conventional drilling trends. Our magnetic tool gives us the ability to check and sample shaving via casing or hard band ware. Our lite weight work station "Pit Kit" provides easy rig up and rig down at spud and rig release. So you ask yourself why? Everyone has been in that daily conference call when the big question arises "How do the shakers look fellas" or "What are the sweeps bringing back?"as you answer...looking good!! looking good!!! The superintendent then has a blank look on his face like, I wonder what that looks like? We have your solution. It's called AV innovations wellbore communication tool real time trends with real time numbers. Our tool is adjustable to capture different size shaker beds.
Annular Velocity INC. Rent your Pit Pack today. And as always "Drill Baby Drill"