Congressional Elections Reapportionment Redistricting Gerrymandering
How representative is Congress?
Women in Congress- Today there are 20 in Senate (20%) -16 D and 4 R Today there are 84 in House (19%)
African Americans: 140 in Congress since 1870. Currently serving = 44. Make up 12% of US population, Today 1 in senate (1%), 43 (about 10%) in House. Latinos: 30 serving in Congress today. Make up 16% of population. 3 in Senate (3%), 28 in House (6.4%) Asians: 4.7% of US population, 11 House and 1 in Senate
MAJORITY MINORITY DISTRICTS Voting Rights Act Section 2: No procedures can be applied that deny/abridge citizen right to vote on account of race/color Courts have said states can create m-m districts to comply with Section 2 and prevent “dilution of vote” Prevent “cracking,” employ “packing”
House and Senate elections Incumbency advantage: where does it come from? -decline of parties -constituency service a. district service b. constituent assistance - incumbent resources (staff, frank, webpges, campaign funds)
Senate versus House elections More even competition in Senate races More media coverage for Senate elections Better quality challenger in Senate
National forces Definition: Electoral effects felt across entire nation in a given election