Science fair overview- 7th grade EQ:
The givens All students enrolled in 7th Gifted or Advanced Science are required to complete a science fair project. If you are unwilling to complete a project, you will need to make a schedule change to on-level science today Science Fair projects will be graded and entered as a project grade. (10% of your grade) Failure to complete a science fair project will result in a lower grade in science, and could possibly result in the dismissal from the Gifted/Advanced Science program. Non-completion of a project will be considered when making a course recommendation for 8th grade! All students will present their projects to their class as part of their class science fair. Selected students will enter their projects in the FMS Science and Engineering Fair, to be held in early January. The projects judged to be the best examples of scientific study will then be sent the Douglas County Schools Science Fair in January 2019, from which winners will move on to the Regional Science Fair. Regional front-runners are then invited to the Georgia Science and Engineering Fair at the University of Georgia in Athens (Spring 2019).
The procedures As a class, we will study the steps of the scientific method, discuss and identify the three types of variables, create a mock log book, conduct a scientific inquiry and will discuss what types of science projects to avoid. (august-September) The next step is will be selecting a topic and conduct an experiment to study some aspect of that topic. (Early October) Most of the work will be completed in class, with the exception of the actual experimentation and the creation of a trifold board to display the findings. (October-December) Most students will complete their experimentation at home, while others may need to use an outside resource such as a ball field or a specialized lab. (October –December)
The timeline Science fair Fridays --- MOST Fridays in the first semester – two phases Phase I: Mock Science Fair project --- “Best Flying paper airplane” (August 10- September 28) Under my guidance, the class will go through the steps of completing a science fair project from writing a problem statement to using the data collected to draw a conclusion See timeline for details October 5 --- Science fair projects to avoid, idea genesis, topic approval forms sent home October 12 --- topic approval sheet due, topic conferencing, topic approval Phase II: Science Fair project work days (October 12 –November 30) Individually complete each phase of the science fair process in class, with the exception of experimentation and trifold board creation Friday, November 9– Science fair end-game ---- Plan to be here! Monday, December 10 --- Science fair projects due Monday, December 17 and tuesday, December 18 --- Project presentations
Frequently asked questions Q: How will I select a topic to be explored? A: I will guide you through the topic selection process in early October, after we have finished the mock science fair process. 7th graders will be focusing on how science can improve some aspect of their lives Q: What are the limitations when choosing a topic? A: Nothing dangerous, illegal or unethical. This includes any topic that uses most vertebrate animals in any way. I will review topics to avoid in early october.
Frequently asked questions Q: Where will my project be completed? A: With the exception of data collection (experimentation) and display board design*, work will be completed in class. I have designated most Fridays in the 1st semester as “Science Fair Friday”. On those days, you will be allowed to work on the different sections of their project, with me present as a guide. Wise use of time will result in little out of class work on the project. *I cannot offer data collection (experimentation) time in class as each students’ project will be unique. All data collection (experimentation) must be done outside of class time. I cannot offer class time for display board creation due to lack of space. Therefore, students will create their display board at home.
Frequently asked questions Q: What will I need to turn in as part of my final project? A: You will be required to submit the following: a log book that shows the progress you made as you researched, experimented, analyzeD and then formed a conclusion about their research, and a trifold display board that summarizes your project. Q: What materials will I need to purchase? A: Everyone will need to purchase a black-and-white composition book, a black ink pen, a trifold display board and any materials necessary to carry out their research. If you need help procuring any of these materials, please contact me as soon as possible! I will help you obtain any necessary materials so that you can maximize your success.
Frequently asked questions Q: When is my project due? A: The final product is due on MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2018. Q: May i do the same project I did in a previous year? A: No. If you would like to do an extension of a previous years’ project, you must: (1) notify their sponsor (me), (2) fill out paperwork explaining how he/she plans to extend, vs. replicate earlier research, (3) test NEW variables (not just increase sample size) and (4) do NEW research on NEW variables
Frequently asked questions Q: To what extent should my parents be involved in my project? A: Parent involvement may be necessary to some degree. You may need assistance with transportation to a library, lab, or store to purchase materials. however, parents are discouraged from supplying assistance with experimentation.
Next steps Take this sheet home, share it with your parent(s), get it signed, return tomorrow (Project grade category task) Bring in a black and white composition notebook to use tomorrow in class (project grade category task) Tomorrow --- 1st science fair Friday Start Mock Science Fair project: “Best Flying Paper airplane” Set up Sample log book Generate problem/purpose statement Start research