1 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: DA0533 Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received
2 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: Static Data: Full Stock Details Product Groups Static Data
3 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: Full Stock Details (st_stock_entry)
4 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: The tolerance must be in the format [[+][%] ] [-[%] ] meaning that you can either enter percentages or values. Full Stock Details (st_stock_entry) This option has been extended to include a new field that allows you to enter delivery tolerances specific to a product code. This field is also shown in the Stock enquiry.
5 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: Product Groups (st_prod_gp_maint/st_prod_group)
6 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: Product Groups (st_prod_gp_maint/st_prod_group) The tolerance must be in the format [[+][%] ] [-[%] ] meaning that you can either enter percentages or values. This option has been extended to include a new field that allows you to enter delivery tolerances specific to a product group. When you use F10 to print product group details, the delivery tolerance is included on the printout.
7 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: Tasks Tasks: Purchase Orders Purchase Order Print Purchase Receipts Purchase Invoices
8 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: Purchase Orders (po_entry/po_order_entry)
9 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: Purchase Orders - Supplementary Header Purchase orders created for foreign currency suppliers usually hold the exchange rate fixed at the time the order is created. This rate is updated on receipt of goods if the system key POCURRAT is set to YES. You can now select F4 to enter a contracted exchange rate (used in purchase variance calculations). You can now select F4 to enter a contracted exchange rate (used in purchase variance calculations).
10 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: Purchase Orders - Contract Exchange Rate Type in or amend the contract exchange rate. If the purchase order has been raised from a Supplier Contract, (DA0534) the contract exchange rate is copied from the supplier contract. Note: The Purchase Variance History will record the contracted exchange rate (the order rate field) as well as the current exchange rate (the plan rate field
11 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: Purchase Orders - Tolerances Select F6 to display the values transferred from the supplier contract line or manually enter tolerance levels. Select F6 to display the values transferred from the supplier contract line or manually enter tolerance levels. You can now display and enter the following tolerances for the purchase order: receipt quantity tolerance, price tolerance, quantity tolerance and line value tolerance. You can now display and enter the following tolerances for the purchase order: receipt quantity tolerance, price tolerance, quantity tolerance and line value tolerance.
12 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: Purchase Orders - Tolerances If tolerances have been specified on the supplier contract, these values are displayed. Otherwise, the defaults are taken from the following system keys: POINVTOLL POINVTOLP POINVTOLQ PORECTOLQ The receipt quantity tolerance is not available for service items that do not require a goods receipt.
13 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: Purchase Orders - Change Line Status As purchase order processing does not allow completed purchase order lines to be amended, you can now reinstate a completed order line (set it to Received) to allow further receipts and/or invoices. Order lines at Received status can also be set to Complete to prevent any amendment of the order details for these lines.can be printed for each purchase order line. As purchase order processing does not allow completed purchase order lines to be amended, you can now reinstate a completed order line (set it to Received) to allow further receipts and/or invoices. Order lines at Received status can also be set to Complete to prevent any amendment of the order details for these lines.can be printed for each purchase order line.
14 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: Purchase Orders - Planned Exchange Rate A new system key, POPLANTYPE, defines the currency type for the planned exchange rate. This is used for setting the planned rate on the purchase variance history file. It is also used in the calculations for Purchase Order Variances (DA0403).
15 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: Purchase Order Print (po_purchase_orders)
16 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: The contracted exchange rate can be printed on the purchase order document for any foreign suppliers with contracted exchange rates. The effective order tolerances (that is, either the tolerances specified on the purchase order line, or if these are blank, the defaults taken from the appropriate system keys) can be printed for each purchase order line. The contracted exchange rate can be printed on the purchase order document for any foreign suppliers with contracted exchange rates. The effective order tolerances (that is, either the tolerances specified on the purchase order line, or if these are blank, the defaults taken from the appropriate system keys) can be printed for each purchase order line. Purchase Order Print
17 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: Purchase Receipts (po_receipts)
18 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: Purchase Receipts - Delivery Quantity Select F5 to enter the delivery note quantity. This is only available if your system is set up to use Purchase Receipt Lines (DA0262). You can now enter a delivery note quantity which is stored with the receipt record and can be printed on the goods receipt and the Receipts Audit Trail.
19 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: Purchase Receipts - Enter Delivery Quantity Type in the delivery note quantity. This is always in the same units as the receipt quantity.
20 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: Purchase Receipts - Supplier Returns Supplier returns allows you to select a previous receipt as a reference. The browse window is now restricted to those receipt type lines that are relevant to the selected purchase order. This is only available if your system is set up to use Purchase order Variances (DA0403).
21 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: Purchase Receipts - Additional Information Contracted Exchange Rate Purchase receipts does not update the contracted exchange rate on the purchase order. Receipt Quantity Tolerance If the receipt quantity tolerance is set, and the More to come indicator is blank, the system will set the indicator to n if the receipt quantity falls within the tolerance limits of the order quantity. The receipt quantity tolerance is determined as follows: The tolerance entered on the purchase order line is used. If this is blank, the tolerance is taken from the stock item record. if the stock item record has no tolerance, it is taken from the product group entered in the system key POTOLGROUP. If POTOLGROUP is blank, the tolerance entered in the system key PORECTOLQ is used. If PORECTOLQ is missing or blank, a tolerance of zero is assumed. Contracted Exchange Rate Purchase receipts does not update the contracted exchange rate on the purchase order. Receipt Quantity Tolerance If the receipt quantity tolerance is set, and the More to come indicator is blank, the system will set the indicator to n if the receipt quantity falls within the tolerance limits of the order quantity. The receipt quantity tolerance is determined as follows: The tolerance entered on the purchase order line is used. If this is blank, the tolerance is taken from the stock item record. if the stock item record has no tolerance, it is taken from the product group entered in the system key POTOLGROUP. If POTOLGROUP is blank, the tolerance entered in the system key PORECTOLQ is used. If PORECTOLQ is missing or blank, a tolerance of zero is assumed.
22 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: Purchase Invoices (po_invoice_entry/po_inv_novpn)
23 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: Purchase Invoices - Header You can no longer enter duplicate Our References when entering invoices. With the cursor on the field P/O number, you can now select F2 to view all purchase orders for the selected supplier, at Printed status.
24 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: Purchase Invoices - Purchase Order Browse When you select F2-Browse, you can choose the sort order in which this browse is to display. Every purchase order that is at the status Printed (P), for the supplier selected on the invoice header is displayed. Use ENTER-OK to select the order you require.
25 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: Purchase Invoices - Order Detail Lines The quantity received not invoiced is calculated from the purchase order line. Select F8 to view the extra details for this purchase order line, including the quantity received not invoiced. Select CR to match purchase receipts to the order line.
26 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: Purchase Invoices - Quantity Received not Invoiced Order lines for service items that do not require goods receipts, have a value of zero.
27 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: Purchase Invoices - Matching Purchase Receipts Highlight the receipt to be matched and select ENTER. The match totals will be displayed. The purchase receipts for the purchase order line are now available for selection in a browse window. The system uses the purchase variance history file. The window shows details of receipts for the relevant order and line number. Select F5 to remove matched quantities (unmatch). If the invoice quantity does not match any of the receipt quantities, select F8 to amend the matched quantities. The variance history receipt lines matched to the invoice line are updated with the invoice line number and invoice quantity matched. Where only part of the receipt is matched, a new variance history line is created with the remainder (unmatched) quantity.
28 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: Purchase Invoices - Amending Matched Quantities The current matched quantity is displayed. Amend this as required. Select CR to confirm the change. The match totals will be re-displayed and updated accordingly.
29 of 29 DA Purchase Invoice Matching to Goods Received Last updated: Purchase Invoices - Additional Information Contracted Exchange Rate Purchase Invoices does not use the current exchange rate (or the exchange rate entered on the invoice) for orders raised with a fixed contracted exchange rate. Validation The invoice quantity and invoice line value are validated against the system key POINVTOLV. Completing Purchase Order Lines A new field More to come is available on the invoice line, similar to that found on purchase receipts. When this is set to n, the line will be marked as complete when the invoice is posted. Authorisation of Invoices Automatic authorisation of invoices now only authorises those invoice lines that are matched to receipts and that fall within the tolerance levels defined. For invoices that do not meet the tolerance levels and are not authorised automatically, an option is available to manually authorise them. For reference, the authorisation method (either manual or automatic) is recorded on the Purchase Variance History file. Contracted Exchange Rate Purchase Invoices does not use the current exchange rate (or the exchange rate entered on the invoice) for orders raised with a fixed contracted exchange rate. Validation The invoice quantity and invoice line value are validated against the system key POINVTOLV. Completing Purchase Order Lines A new field More to come is available on the invoice line, similar to that found on purchase receipts. When this is set to n, the line will be marked as complete when the invoice is posted. Authorisation of Invoices Automatic authorisation of invoices now only authorises those invoice lines that are matched to receipts and that fall within the tolerance levels defined. For invoices that do not meet the tolerance levels and are not authorised automatically, an option is available to manually authorise them. For reference, the authorisation method (either manual or automatic) is recorded on the Purchase Variance History file.