TROPICAL SAVANNAS Tropical savannas contain scattered trees, with wondering herds of wildlife.
Geography Large regions of tropical savanna extend through the nations of Botswana, Namibia, and Kenya in Africa, southern Brazil, India, and Australia. Surprisingly, the Everglades of southern Florida in North America is also a tropical savanna.
Climate Savannas exist in areas where there is a 6 to 8 month wet summer season and a dry winter season. Annual rainfall in savannas varies depending on the geographic location. Some savannas get as little as 10 inches of rain annually while others can get as much as 50 inches. The dry season is marked by months of drought and fire which are essential to the maintenance of savannas. Without the period of drought and fire, some scientists believe that tropical savannas would eventually change into tropical forests.
Soils The soil of the savanna is porous, with rapid drainage of water. It has only a thin layer of humus (the organic portion of the soil created by partial decomposition of plant or animal matter), which provides vegetation with nutrients. Soil layers with low permeability to water play a key role in maintaining many tropical savannas.
Human Influences One of the factors that forged an incredible link between us and the biome is fire.