FamiliesUSA (healthcare) – Aims and Tactics Families USA was founded in 1981 and works hard to achieve high-quality, comprehensive, and affordable health care for all Americans, by analysing data documents to prove the benefits of extending healthcare to state economic and low income people. Families USA are a non-profit and non-partisan organization While the Affordable Care Act is a huge step forward in making access to health care a reality, Families USA works hard to ensure that all Americans enrol and that their health coverage is high- quality. Lobbying is a pivotal tactic used by Families USA to gain political influence – In 2017 Families USA spent $60000 on lobbying expenses The influence of social media is a vital tactic used by Families USA – use of Twitter and hashtags #ProtectOurCare Rallies, protests, forums, and visits planned to members of congress in key states Urge the public to call their Senator
FamiliesUSA – Successes and Failures Families USA was at the forefront of pushing for the creation of the Children’s Health Insurance Program in 1997 and in opposing changing Medicaid into a block-grant program. Played a key role in passing Obamacare - In the years leading up to the Affordable Care Act 2010, Pollack (co - founder) arranged dozens of “stakeholder” meetings involving insurers, hospitals, businesses, unions, pharmaceutical companies and consumers — an effort that helped prepare the ground for initial industry support Families USA use structured dialogues on key health care issues among diverse stakeholder organization leaders, including those representing insurers, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, consumers. This led to the creation of the Campaign for Children’s Health Care
FamiliesUSA – Funding streams and influence on US politics By being a non – profit organization, Families USA rely on donations to help fund their work Shortly after Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election, Families USA held a conference call with more than 1,000 people from all 50 states to discuss efforts to keep the Affordable Care Act alive. Ronald Pollack (co-founder of Families USA) was appointed by President Bill Clinton to be the sole consumer representative on the Presidential Advisory Commission on Consumer Protection and Quality in the Health Care Industry, which developed the Patients’ Bill of Rights He is also named as one of the Top 9 non-profit lobbyists – (act of attempting to influence business and government leaders to create legislation or conduct an activity that will help a particular organization.)