FWD models with increased sound baffling New Product Introductions: FWD100 1 HP WD75 ¾ HP basic model FWD75 ¾ HP WD50 ½ HP basic model FWD75B ¾ HP Batch Feed FWD75 FWD75B FWD models with increased sound baffling FASTER. FINER. GREENER. The new improved energy efficient and environmentally friendly waste disposers from FRANKE take less time to do the job, grind to septic system compatible level of fineness in ALL models and use less energy. Permanent Magnet D/C motors have 30% more torque than induction motors. Induction motors, as used by major competitors, take time to reach their full revolutions per minute Franke Waste Disposers have jam-resistant permanent magnet motors which reach maximum revolutions per minute from the time the unit is turned on. 1 HP model has fastest rpm at 2800 for most efficient grinding ¾ HP models have 2700 rpm for excellent grinding ¾ HP, ½ HP basic models have 2600 rpms No need for antiquated auto-reverse function No need for second grinding ring Improved sound baffling on FWD models Highly efficient D/C motor is 3-5 pounds lighter than induction motors for easier installation Finer grinding for septic system compatibility in all models Faster grinding for less energy consumption Snap and Lock Mounting system, compatible with most popular brands FWD100 WD50 and WD75 Basic models, power cord extra