Biomes Dry shrublands and woodlands (chaparral) Temperate Rainfall 25 cm Long dry summer with a mild rainy winter Vegetation: shrubs and small trees Animals: rabbits, lizards, mule deer Plants adapted to fires and dry climate Shrubs re-grow after fires
Credit: © Richard Herrmann/Visuals Unlimited Chaparral vegetation.
Biomes Broadleaf Forest Temperate 150-200 cm rain Marked seasonal changes Vegetation: deciduous broad leaf trees, shrubs, small shade tolerant plants Animals: small mammals, deer, predators Good soil due to yearly leaves decomposing and returning nutrients to the soil
Fig. 42-19a, p.765
Credit: © Adam Jones/Visuals Unlimited 212904 Fall foliage and view of Mt. LeConte, Great Smokey Mountains National Park, Tennessee.
Biomes Tropical Rain Forest Tropical (some temperate rain forest) 200-500 cm rain Vegetation: broadleaf evergreen trees, vines, very diverse Animals: very diverse due to plenty of vegetation Adapted to live at different levels Infertile soil
Fig. 42-18a, p.764
Credit: © Jacques Jangoux/Visuals Unlimited 213048 Buttresses of trees with epiphytic Aroid on bank of small river in Amazon rainforest, Brazil.
Fig. 42-18b, p.764
Credit: © Theo Allofs/Visuals Unlimited 283044 Temperate Rainforest showing moss-covered trees and ferns, Olympic National Park, Washington.
Biomes Coniferous Forest (Taiga, Boreal) Sub arctic 25-200 cm rain Short summer Long cold, dry winters Vegetation: conifers, a few annual plants Animals: elk, moose, mule deer, small mammals, predators Acidic soils due to accumulation of pine needles
Fig. 42-20a, p.765
Credit: © Beth Davidow/Visuals Unlimited 301419 Northern Boreal Forest of Spruce and Aspens and tundra ponds.