Fauquier County Public Schools FY 2015 Budget Challenges Fauquier County Public Schools Excellence by Design
Budget Goals & Considerations Safety and security Improve compensation and benefits Promote 21st century teaching and learning Support for advanced/GT studies program Comprehensive facilities and growth planning, including technology Enhance after school programs Transportation Excellence by Design
Revenue Challenges Governor’s budget $300,000 less direct aid Composite index (local ability to pay) change From .5377 to .5584 = $1.5 million Federal revenue not projected to rebound from sequestration cuts Local funding increased in FY 2014 $1.5 million Excellence by Design
Expenditure Challenges Benefit Increases Requests Received Compensation Excellence by Design
$2.7 million Benefit Increases VRS increase (2.84%) $1.95 million 11.66% to 14.5% Health insurance increase (5%) $620,000 Other benefit increases $100,000 $2.7 million Excellence by Design
$7.2 million Requests Received Principals – 51 positions Technology second highest priority Not including operational requests $7.2 million Excellence by Design
Compensation Working to develop a multi-year compensation plan Salary scales (1% = $1 million) Supplements Miscellaneous pays Bi-weekly pay plan Excellence by Design
How do we begin to address budget goals? Budget Challenges FY2015 ‘heavier’ in requests To do tomorrow what we do today $1.7 m How do we begin to address budget goals? Excellence by Design
FY 2015 Budget Calendar Budget Development Getting from A to B Apr Oct School Board Receives Budget calendar (10/15) 10-Year enrollment projections (10/28) Administration Gathers input from stakeholders Compiles data Begins developing proposals Debt CIP to Building Committee Getting from A to B Budgeting 101 presentation (2/3) Budget work session (2/10) Budget public hearing (2/24) County Admin’s budget (2/27) Governor’s budget presented (12/20) School Board reviews Debt CIP Work sessions as needed School Board adopts final budget (4/28) Apr Oct Dec Feb Nov Jan Mar Adopt Superintendent’s proposed budget (3/10) Joint SB/BOS mtg (3/13) BOS public hearing (3/20) Adoption of County’s budget and tax rates (3/27) Work sessions as needed Pre-Budget Public Hearing (11/25) School Board receives Debt CIP (11/25) Administration Prioritizes all needs/requests Completes all cost analysis Begins developing budget in conformance with goals Debt CIP adopted (1/6) Budget Challenges (1/13) Budget presented to School Board (1/27) Excellence by Design