Load Manager The Load Manager screen shows you all your loads that are open and the information in the load. The Load Manager screen shows you all your loads that are open and the information in the load. Load Number Load sheet printed. Created by User Load Status Locked, Synced. Load Planned Deliver area. Maximum Weight. Weight & Cubes allocated to the load. Projected Ship Date. Number of stops on the load. Loading Start & Last Date & Time. Branch Plant Planned Weight. Loaded Weight. Weight & Cubes on Order to the load.
Load Manager - Creation The Load Header. This information is maintained for each Load. The Load Header. This information is maintained for each Load. Load Number Trailer number Projected Ship Date Truck Identification The Delivery area. Plan the Load using Order Details. Delivery Notes Maximum Weight and Cubes allowed on the Trailer. Driver name Load Types, Setup in UDC Tables.
Load Manager - Filters The Load Manager allows the use of Filters to select Sales Orders to the Load. The Load Manager allows the use of Filters to select Sales Orders to the Load. Load Number Sales Orders number to assign to Load. Order Status Ship ViaOrder Types. Order Ship Date. Address Book number. Territory Display Order already selected on other Loads. Load Selection number
Load Manager – Select Orders This screen will display based on the Filters that have been selected. This screen will display based on the Filters that have been selected. Load Number Selection Status The weight of the order. The cubes for the order. Selection Order Type The date the order is to be shipped. Weight/Cubes that are already assigned to the load. Order Number Ship to Name and address.
Load Manager - Stops Stops are then assigned to each different Ship to Address assigned to the Load. Stops are then assigned to each different Ship to Address assigned to the Load. Load Number Order Status Planned Weight & Cubes for the Stop. Ship to Address. Stop number. Projected Ship Date Selection. Planned weight in cubes. Number of stops on the Load. Sales Order Allocated Weight & Cubes for the Stop Load Sheet Printed Planned and Actual Weight & Cubes
Load Manager – Planning a Load Planning a Load by Order Details (Optional). This means that you want to Plan the Details that can be Loaded on the Trailer. Planning a Load by Order Details (Optional). This means that you want to Plan the Details that can be Loaded on the Trailer. Quantity to Load. Total Weight and Cubes for the Stop. The Sales Order and Type. Quantity Order and Allocated summarized by Item number. Item number and Description. Stop number. Quantity already Loaded. Load number. Order Status to display. Ship Date. Planned Weight and Cubes.
WcBc – Load Manager This screen shows the orders that were selected to be on the Load. This screen shows the orders that were selected to be on the Load. Load Number Order Status Number of skids. Unit Ids on the Load. The weight planned to be on the Load. Weight already on the Load. Unit of Measure of the Loaded Item Number. Quantity of the Item Number Loaded. Weight of the order Select a D to remove the Line. Max weight that can be on the Load. Order that is on the Load. Ship to address the load is going to. Item Number that has been Loaded on the Load. Max weight in cubes. Planned weight in cubes. Loaded weight in cubes. Weight of Order in cubes. Number of stops on the Load. Status Y/N on Load being Locked Weight of the Item Number Loaded.
The Status of the Order Line. If Sales Order is Staged then display the Unit Id and the Inventory Location. If the Line still needs Picked then Bar Code the Pick Slip Number. Load Number. Stop Information. The Sales Order Details. Delivery Comments. Print the Inventory Locations to Pick & Load from. Load Summary Information. WcBc – Load Sheet