What is Special Education?
WHAT IS SPECIAL EDUCATION? Broad spectrum of services to aid students with different levels of educational need Concerns can be addressed/accommodated in the school system Spectrum of services offered through special education to facilitate learning
Common Concerns Stigma Limitations Role of parent
Examples of Disabilities Autism Deafness Visual Impairment Developmental Delay Emotional Disturbance Intellectual Disability Specific Learning Disability Speech and Language Impairment Traumatic Brain Injury Talk about the different types and how they can be easy/difficult to see. Some of the other ones can be difficult to detect 13 different categories of disability
What is an IEP? Individualized Education Plan Legal document Agreed to by parents Designed to meet a student’s unique needs
How Do I Initiate an IEP? First, talk to the teacher/school counselor to see if concerns match Can do an SST (Student Success Team) If still not enough improvement, IEP may be needed Submit a written request for assessment for special education services, to the child’s school or school district.
What Will Happen Once I Request an Assessment? The school has 15 days, from date of assessment request, to contact the parent to discuss concerns and past history School (school psychologist) will develop an assessment plan Parents will sign this plan The school then has 60 days (from signing of assessment plan) to assess the student and hold the IEP meeting to discuss results and recommendations
How Would an IEP Help My Child? Benefits Ensure child is receiving help to mediate his/her needs Ensure child can be helped in all areas of identified disabilities Create a specific plan with measurable goals to track progress Provides a case manager to monitor student progress, that parent can go to when they have questions or concerns
What is Included in the IEP? Present level of functioning Measurable Goals Accommodations/Modifications Examples: Extra time, speech therapy, seated in front of class, etc.
What if the School Says My Child Doesn't Qualify for Services? Student may be eligible for a 504 plan Work with the school Appeal it with the district’s Special Education Director Find an advocate
Other Issues Goal: Get Help Early! Emotional Needs are only addressed in the school setting if they are negatively impacting the child’s educational performance. Anxiety Depression Sleep disorders Eating Disorders Etc. Resources
Resources Regional Centers Parent Help Groups Autism Speaks, ABA Therapy, etc. Counseling Services
Contact Information SpecialEducation@Copticedu.org 909-833-1393