Bulgaria and art.5(1) of the Kyoto Protocol Workshop on National Systems Bonn, Germany, 11-12 April 2005
Legislation Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol – 2002 Approximation to the EU Acquis is of a help when addressing climate change issues - Decision 280/2004/EC, Directive 2003/87/EC
Inventory is based on the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines, and the IPCC Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National GHG Inventories. Other estimation methods have been used whereas appropriate in order to achieve better estimates for particular cases, e.g. GHG emissions from transport sector. The inventory starts with the year 1988, which is the base year for implementation of the UNFCCC in Bulgaria.
Procedures There are no specific procedures Tender, following the Public Procurement Law Energy Institute – the only participant in the tenders QA/QC – the Energy Institute certified ISO 9001- 2000 QA/QC system Peer review and approval by the Ecological Council of the EEA
Information Sources National Statistics Institute Ministry of Environment and Water Ministry of Agriculture and Forest Customs Agency Ministry of Energy and Energy Resources Ministry of Interior
Institutions Executive Environmental Agency Ministry of Environment and Water – Air protection department
Plans Study for establishment of the NS Purchase of registry software Development of a National System- with donors support
Wish success to Bulgaria! Thank you for you attention!