ITRC: 15 Years of Advancing Environmental Solutions 2010 ITRC Fall Meeting St. Louis, MO October 24-29, 2010
Federal Organizations States Industry Stakeholders Local Government Academia This slide is to be used as a backdrop for debriefing the video clip…demonstrates that all now work together in ITRC vs. adversarial situations as we saw in the clip. ITRC sets a model for environmental collaboration and has been a pioneer since 1995. Federal Organizations Tribes
Where We Have Been … Achievements and Growth Over Last 15 Years
ITRC Now Averages 10-12 Projects & Classroom Training Initiatives Per Year 1995 2010 Attenuation Processes for Metals and Radionuclides Accelerated Site Characterization Contaminated Sediments In-Situ Bioremediation Environmental Impacts of Ethanol and Bio-Based Fuels Low Temperature Thermal Desorption Environmental Molecular Diagnostics Plasma Technologies Green & Sustainable Remediation Incremental Sampling Methodology Integrated DNAPL Site Strategy LNAPL & Vapor Intrusion Classroom Trainings Mining Waste Permeable Reactive Barriers: Technology Update Remediation Risk Management Solidification/Stabilization Unexploded Ordnance
ITRC Has Increased Impact 98 documents published 67,000 training attendees 600 members (200 state members) 7,000 document hard copies distributed 9,000 web hits per month ITRC increased product delivery during reduced budgets by leveraging/increasing in-kind membership expertise and creating organization efficiencies
State Participation Over 15 Years 1995 2000 ITRC Member 2005 2010 State membership over time. At some point in time every POCs has been an official member by appointing a State Point of Contact (POC) States without POCs assigned (WA, ID, LA, HI, DC) Puerto Rico joined in 2010 Thanks to the affiliation with ECOS in 1999 when ITRC administration was transferred from Western Governors Association (WGA) to ECOS we saw a significant increase in state membership 6
ITRC Membership Growth NOTE: horizontal scale goes from 1995 (estimated 40 members) directly to 2000, when we started keep a tally in Microsoft Access. We have paper records for 1995-1999, but have not gone through them. NOTE: Interested Parties drop off after 2004 because when IAP started in 2005, we eliminated industry interested parties, which greatly decreased the numbers. 7
ITRC Productivity Compared to ITRC Income 8
Success!!!! 29 states report use of ITRC’s Vapor Intrusion guidance document in at least one of the following ways: As a basis to develop state guidance As a reference within state guidance As a tool to directly assist with site activities As a resource for state staff and consultants/contractors ITRC has trained over 3,500 people from across the nation on vapor intrusion (42% are state regulators)! One of ITRC’s most significant benefits is that ITRC guidance document text can be used with confidence by states when crafting or implementing their own guidance. This saves time and money for states since they don’t have to reinvent the wheel and can use ITRC-reviewed language directly into their own documents. Additionally, harmonized state regulatory approaches across the country benefits everyone. “Since participating in ITRC, Maine will likely adopt the ITRC vapor intrusion tech-reg as the default.” – Fred Lavallee, ME 9
State Ownership: Building, Accepting and Using ITRC Products
Where We Are Going … Direction for Years To Come
ITRC Direction 1995 Focus Current/Future Focus Remediation Regulatory Acceptance Overall Acceptance Existing Problem Areas Emerging Problem Areas Technology Environmental Solutions States As Primary Customer Broadened Customer Base 12
Board of Advisors Positioning ITRC for Growth and Success in Future Updated Governance Document Updated Strategic Plan Developing Remediation + Action Plan Enhancing partnership with State Commissioners
Updated Strategic Objectives ITRC will expand products and services beyond remediation to other environmental challenges ITRC will continue to develop products that accelerate smart decision-making on remediation sites. ITRC will broaden our membership network to maximize our marketplace influence. ITRC will diversify our funding sources.
Strategic Objective #1 ITRC will expand products and services beyond remediation to other environmental challenges Board of Advisors finalizing Action Plan addressing funding and organization challenges Target is to have at least one non-remediation project within 5 years
Strategic Objective #2 ITRC will continue to develop products that accelerate smart decision-making on remediation sites. 7 new documents delivered in 2010 & 8 more in 2011 3 new projects to start in 2011 Biochemical Reactors for Mining Impacted Water Groundwater Statistics and Monitoring Compliance Sediments Restoration 7 new offerings of classroom training planned in 2011 4 Vapor Intrusion 3 LNAPL
Strategic Objective #3 ITRC will broaden our membership network to maximize our marketplace influence. Enhancing partnership with State Commissioners Strengthening existing ties with IAP, the public & federal agencies Broadening outreach First web based tech-reg released with more to come
Strategic Objective #4 ITRC will diversify our funding sources. Increased outreach to new potential funding sources Further collaboration with existing funding entities
Summary ITRC has positively impacted tens of thousands ITRC represents collaboration across all environmental sectors Our proven model will be applied to remediation + in the future Important to focus on USE of products to demonstrate ITRC value
Christine Costopoulos Thank You! Christine Costopoulos New York ITRC Co-Chair George Nicholas New Jersey ITRC Co-Chair 20 20