Welcome to Hafen Elementary Physical Education Program 2016/17
Mr. Hayes 39 years old, Married for 7 years, 3 children (Jaycie (4), Kannen (2), and Hudson (1)) Favorite sport – baseball, football, basketball Favorite Sports Teams- San Diego Padres, Oakland Athletics, Washington Redskins, Sacramento Kings Favorite pastime – coaching baseball, fishing, being with family Favorite food – Seafood, peanut butter, Professional goal – inspire students’ love for physical movement and wellness
Fire Emergency Silence! Order! Put equipment down. Walk to emergency door. Walk to safety in single line. Listen for directions.
Code Pink Silence! Order! Put equipment down. Walk into gym and line up on end line Student head count Listen for directions.
Lock Down Put equipment down Walk to area designated by teacher (inside- in coaches room, Outside- lay down on grass kickball field closest to home plate) Complete silence
When will I be successful in PE? I will be successful only if I can develop self- responsibility for my own behavior and learning.
Action Levels Unacceptable Not following directions Not participating Arguing Being out of control Poor attitude
Action Levels 2. Satisfactory Following directions Participating Taking care of equipment or materials Being under control
Action Levels 3. Outstanding Being self-responsible Cooperating with others Returning equipment or materials Helping others Acting as a role model.
PE Class Procedures Enter Gym- quietly and find personal space Warm Up Activity- Get Moving! Fitness Development- Physical fitness Lesson Focus- skill practice or gameplay Closing Activity- cool down and review Class Dismissal- water, line-up, 10 second countdown, scorpion ticket handout.
PE Rules Be Respectful. Be Cooperative. Be a Good Sport. Do your Best Allow Mr. Hayes to Teach.
Individual Rewards Self-satisfaction of doing right thing Teacher oral recognition Scorpion bucks for going above and beyond. Student of the Month Recognition
Group Reward Each class will be in a Race to Cooperstown, where they will try to be the class with the best behavior. DESCRIPTION: At the end of each physical education class, classes will be rewarded for good behavior with a scorpion ticket. These scorpion tickets will be taken back to the classroom teacher, where they will be placed in a paper clip and tallied (I will sign and date each certificate). When the students receive 5 tickets, they will bring their clip to PE and we will move their baseball to the next destination on the racetrack. This will continue each time students receive 5 tickets. At the end of the school year, the class who has traveled to the furthest destination will be awarded with extra time during field day. Students will also earn fun days when they move up to the next spot on the track that has a star next to the team.
Consequences Warning for younger students Time out in the gym with an option to return to class Time out without an option to return to class Parent call or letter home. Meeting with the principal and teacher Referral & Behavior contract
Attire Sneakers, tennis shoes, athletic shoes No sandals, flip flops, dress shoes, high heels,platform shoes of any kind. Shorts, comfortable pants worn on waist T-shirts, sweatshirts Athletic clothing
Class Signal(s) Whistle- freeze and listen for instruction High 5 Sign- stop and listen to instruction with hand up in air.
PE Class Procedures Class beginning Warm up Finding partners Conflict resolution Homework Bathroom Water Injuries Illness
Class Beginning Enter Class Warm-up Activity Fitness Routine. Student Head Count. Lesson introduction
Warm-up Routine Maximum 10 minutes Students will alternate between different warm-up games and conditioning circuits.
Fitness Routine Maximum of 5-10 minutes. Fitness will consist of muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility exercises. Sometimes fitness routines will be incorporated into the warm-up routine.
PE Partners Students are expected to get into partners by the count of 10. If you do not have a partner, go to the front of the activity area and look for another partner.
Teams Chosen by students Selected by teacher: Randomly, According to skill level
When Someone Bothers me. WALK, TALK, OR ROCK. WALK away from the person TALK it out with the other person. Rock, Paper, Scissors to solve dispute. (best out of 1) Tell your PE teacher. (not during instruction time)
To Solve Disagreements Discuss, negotiate, ask for other people’s help, take turns, use game solutions: Paper, Rock, Scissors Odd, even
Homework Exercise every day 30-60 minutes. In addition to homework given by the teacher, chose your own activity. Keep a log of activities. Try to involve as many members of your family as possible. Do not skip homework even on weekends.
Bathroom Use the bathroom before or after the class. In case of emergency: Ask the teacher for permission. Grab a wrist band, put it on wrist. Return as soon as possible. Return wrist band.
Water During the class: Water is only allowed during water breaks. After the class: Line up in a single line behind white tape Only one person at the water fountain. Next person in line counts to 5 PE (1 PE, 2PE, 3 PE, 4PE, 5PE, done) Go to end of water fountain line if you are still thirsty. line up in designated spot at the end of the 10 second countdown.
Injuries Pain is a human’s natural protecting mechanism . After minor incident, pain lasts only a few minutes. Student will go to nurse ONLY if they have one of the 3 B’s (Blood, Broken bone, or Barfing).
Illness Participation in PE is mandated by law. Only doctor can excuse a student from long term participation. Parent can write an excuse from class in case of common illnesses such as: flu, diarrhea, etc. In case of sudden illness, student can receive excuse for classroom or PE teacher.
Class PE Manager Responsible, sharp, helpful Job description: Report absentees Help to set up equipment Check out equipment for the class Help put PE and Playground Equipment away.
Report Cards For grades K-5 Each quarter For Cooperation, Sportsmanship, Respect, Effort. Unacceptable, Satisfactory, Excellent
What is PE One of the components of education Has own tools and methods. Prepares for success in the future. Equips students with information about health and fitness. Teaches sport and games. Provides opportunity to improve skills. Gives suggestion and teaches skills for lifelong sport and recreation activities. Gives opportunity for appropriate social interaction, cooperation, competition, etc.
When I say GO, find a partner and line up on end line Signals and commands WHEN BEFORE WHAT To start: When I say GO, find a partner and line up on end line Go! To stop: Whistle Freeze ….1,2. High 5 Signal
So, what are we going to do in class this year? Emphasis by quarters: 1st quarter – PE Skills 2nd quarter - Sports 3rd quarter – Fitness Assessment 4th quarter – Gymnastics During each class we will work on sport, fitness, and social skills.
Jump a rope
Playing basketball
Scootering, balancing, climbing
More gymnastics
Having fun
And more fun
Playing volleyball
And more volleyball
Playing with parachute
Striking a ball
Have a great academic year 2016/2017 !! And much much more!