Electron Clouds and Probability


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Presentation transcript:

Electron Clouds and Probability Glencoe Chemistry: Matter and Change Chapter 5 Section 2

De Broglie Hypothesis E = mc2 and E = hν E = Energy (joules) m = mass v (nu) = Frequency c = 3.00 x 108 m/s h = 6.626 x 10-34 joules/Hz Predicted the wavelength of a particle using: λ= ℎ 𝑚𝑣 λ= wavelength (meters) h = Planck’s constant m = mass (kg) v = velocity (m/s) not nu h/λm = v h/λv = m

Wave-particle duality of nature Light has the properties of both a particle as well as a wave. Newtonian Mechanics Momentum = mass x velocity P = m x v Visible objects at ordinary velocities.

Quantum mechanics Extremely small particles at velocities near the speed of light.

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle ΔP Δx ≥ h ΔP = Uncertainty of momentum Δx = Uncertainty of position h = Planck’s constant ΔP Δx inversely proportional

2𝜋2𝑚𝑒4 ℎ2𝑛2 m = mass of electron Erwin Schrödinger Treated the electron as a wave and developed a model that describes the behavior of the electron. 2𝜋2𝑚𝑒4 ℎ2𝑛2 m = mass of electron e = charge of electron h = Planck’s constant n = positive whole numbers (Quantum numbers)

Max Born The probability of finding the electron at the point in space.

Wave-mechanical view of the hydrogen atom Wave-mechanical view of the hydrogen atom. The electron cloud is like a fan.