The doctoral programs of UniOGS ITEE-DP (Information Technology and Electrical Engineering–Doctoral Programme) ( 920001J - Introduction to Doctoral Training 15-16.3.2018
ITEE-DP research environment - Infotech ITEE-DP research environment Infotech consists of research groups carrying out research in various fields of modern information technology from year 1996 (personnel in ITEE app. 500). Four degree programs in electrical engineering, communications engineering, computer science and engineering, and information processing science. Organizes annually 30-40 different field-specific post-doctoral intensive courses, summer schools, talks and lecture series. In addition, other common courses with other doctoral programmes and UniOGS are being organized. Promotes long term research and researcher training through 12 spearhead projects that are now recruiting researchers for the years 2018-2022. Participates e.g. to Tekes, ESR, H2020, Academy of Finland and other projects in order to develop doctoral training.
Infotech spearhead projects 2018-2022 Proactive and Context-Aware Networks under Reliability and Latency Constraints – NOOR (Prof. Mehdi Bennis) Sparsity-Aware Online Signal Processing with Compressive Sensing – PROVING (Prof. Marian Codreanu) Vision-based 3D perception for mixed reality applications (Prof. Janne Heikkilä) IoT Localization Systems Using Shared Access in Radar Bands – IOTRAD (Prof. Janne Lehtomäki) Towards Reading Micro-expressions in the Real World (Prof. Guoying Zhao) Vision Sensing Technologies for Healthcare Diagnosis (Prof. Abdenour Hadid) Environment digitization and interactions by embedded self-sustainable systems – Entity (Prof. Heli Jantunen) TWIsted LIGHT for digital tissue diagnosis – TWILIGHT (Prof. Igor Meglinski) Personalization, Privacy and Quality Control for MaaS with Blockchain – TrustedMaaS (Prof. Susanna Pirttikangas) Bayesian Trusted Edge Analytics - B-TEA (Dean Jukka Riekki and Prof. Mikko Sillanpää) Sensor Within: Harnessing Human Biology for Sensing Applications (Prof. Juha Röning and Prof. Seppo Vainio) Prediction and decision support systems for knee osteoarthritis (Prof. Simo Saarakkala and Prof. Miika Nieminen)
Contact : Coordinator: Phd Mirjami Jutila mirjami. jutila@oulu Contact : Coordinator: Phd Mirjami Jutila, 040 567 2079 Scientific director: Prof. Simo Saarakkala, 050 574 6681