Directions For How To Use This Template Select the design/slide you want to use. Then right click on the main image and select "Send to Back". This will send the design image to the back.
Directions For How To Use This Template Next select the image you want to remove by clicking on it. Then hit "Delete".
Directions For How To Use This Template Go to insert pictures and browse to the file you want to insert.
Directions For How To Use This Template Size the photo to the width of the background and crop it, as needed. Then right click on it and select "Send to Back". The design image should now be showing and your full width image should have the design in front of it.
Directions For How To Use This Template Save the new full–width image as a .jpg. Select the slide you want to save and then go to "File" "Save as" a ".jpg" and choose "Just This One".
Directions For How To Use This Template Select where you want to save your new photo. You will need to upload it to Sitecore and add it to your template as you would other full width images.