Final Exam Review (20/12/2009) Dr. Ahmad BinTouq E-mail: URL: GEO 440: GIS for Urban & Regional Planning
Overview Monitoring Alain Development using Remote Sensing What is urban planning? (included August, September, and October) New topics: NOV and DEC 2009 Monitoring Alain Development using Remote Sensing Remote Sensing and GIS for Urban Population, demographics analysis Ch. 9: Urban planning chapter on waste-water, solid-waste and waste management issues RS and Regional Planning, example of population data and planning for new roads… GIS-Transportation applications
New topics: NOV and DEC 2009 GIS diffusion Emergency Emergency Management Resources Chapter (natural and cultural)
Urban Plans AD 2030 Al Ain 2030 Dubai Strategic Plan 2015
GIS for UP Comprehensive
Exam format Discuss applications of GIS for UP? Explain, Describe, and Evaluate. Section A: Answer all questions (Fill the blanks) Section B: Answer five (5) questions ONLY (Discuss) Section C: Multiple choice
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