JOURNAL What 5 things have you done in the past week that would improve your mental/emotional health?
Mental & Emotional Health
What makes you who you are????
Personality - - a unique combination of feelings, thoughts, and behaviors that make you different from everyone else.
Self Concept – Self-Esteem – the way you see yourself. the way you feel about yourself.
Managing Your Emotions Negative Thinking- Focusing on only the bad parts of the situation. Positive Self-Talk- Thinking about the good parts of a bad situation
Improving your Mental/Emotional Health: Motivate yourself Focus on your strengths Understand and manage your feelings. Develop a positive attitude Learn from your mistakes
Review Questions: 1. Explain which side or sides of the health triangle lack of sleep can effect and why? Having a strong mental/emotional side of the triangle can help to strengthen the other sides. Explain how this can happen. Explain how self-esteem affects a person’s life. Describe the characteristics of a person who has a high self esteem.