African Celebrations By Imogen
Types of Celebrations There are two different types of celebration: Tradional such as: Harvest Religious Musical Cultural Modern such as: Sport Book fairs Racing Rally
Two Traditional Celebrations Ghana deer hunting festival Festival of the desert-Mali
Ghana deer hunting festival The deer festival is done to honour the god of the people of the Winneba called ‘Penkye Out’.
Ghana deer hunting festival The festival happens in May and it is very popular
Ghana deer hunting festival The people give God a gift-which is a deer which they catch with there hands
Festival of the desert- Mali This is a 3 day festival near a place called Timbuktu. It came from Touareg (twa-reg) festivals which were a place for decision making and exchange of information between the different communities
Festival of the desert- Mali 30 artistic groups are invited from around the world to present their work
Festival of the desert- Mali The next is in January 2014 http://www.festival-au-
References ourism/aboakyer.php http://www.festival-au-
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