Welcome Coaches & Managers For Season 2018
Singleton Strikers Football Club (est. 2015) Our mission statement is to, “foster the sport of football in Singleton and the surrounding areas”.
Agenda for Tonight 2018 Junior Club Manual Where do I find information about SSFC? Who can help me? Working with Children Check How do I find out when we play? Singleton Strikers Football Clinic 2018 Coaching Courses – Free General Business
2018 Junior Club Manual Where do I find information about SSFC? www.singletonstrikers.com.au Facebook – Singleton Strikers Football Club x 2 (everyone should join our club’s Facebook Group) http://www.foxsportspulse.com/club_info.cgi?c=0-8218-110176-0-0 Who can help me? ssfc1@outlook.com.au (Gaylene Poke – Secretary)
Working with Children Check Mandatory for all sporting clubs from April 1st, 2016. Where do I access? http://www.kidsguardian.nsw.gov.au/working-with- children/working-with-children-check Click on the link on the right hand side of the site that says – START HERE
What Information do we need? First Name Family Name Date of Birth Working with Children Check number or Application Number Please send through your details to ssfc1@outlook.com.au
How do I find out when we play? Currently SSFC –Sports TG site http://www.foxsportspulse.com/club_info.cgi?c=0-8218-110176-0-0 – Go to Fixtures/Results
Singleton Strikers Football Clinic 2018 Dates – April 16th, 17th & 18th, 2018 Times – 9:00am until 12:00pm (Wednesday session will finish at 12:30pm to allow for presentations) Venue – Howe Park, Singleton. Cost - $130.00 for 1st player of family – 2nd player ($115.00) – 3rd & subsequent player ($100.00) What is included in the cost per player: Nine hours of coaching Playing Shirt Playing Socks A Football An SSFC Cap Water Bottle Fruit at each drink break Sandwich & Drink at 12:00pm each day Opportunity to win A League Merchandise Prizes, vouchers from local businesses and competitions each day
Coaching Courses - Free Club Coach Coordinator – Ryan Guihot GRASSROOTS COACHING COURSE (MINI ROOS) The course will be run by NNSW Football and is for coaches, managers, parents of teams playing small sided games this year. It is FREE and will be of immense value to anyone involved in the coaching of kids in small sided teams. You must register in advance via the following link http://education-ffa.sportingpulse.com/Entry/ FFA Coaching Link http://www.footballaustralia.com.au/get- involved/coaching/14w84pk8h90f411ub6hifnva2o
Under 9 SAP Our governing body, Football Federation Australia, use our own National Curriculum to implement the Skill Acquisition Program (SAP) to perfect and accelerate the skill development of identified players at the critical ages of 9 to 12. This is the age group universally acknowledged to be the ideal mental and physical stage in development which children are able to acquire motor skills. AIM To provide the necessary technical ‘tools’ to players in order to help them be able to play the game at the highest possible level with a focus on functional game skills. FOCUS The Skill Acquisition Program focuses on the development of the four core skills: • Striking the ball • First Touch • 1v1 • Running with the ball
Shade Shelter at Alroy Opened April 1st, 2017, at 10:00am by Michael Johnsen MP. What a difference one project makes? What’s next?
Please support our sponsors Singleton Mazda STAC Consulting TFP Engineering Photoworx Bailey Property & Livestock Morgan Engineering SportsPower Singleton InVent Air GIO Singleton LocalSearch
General Business Our meeting dates for are March 16th; April 6th; May 18th; June 15th; July 20th; August 17th; September 14th (AGM). Apologies to Gaylene Poke by 4:00pm on Meeting Night - ssfc1@outlook.com.au All meetings start time 7:00pm sharp. Need to contact me – markhendo@aapt.net.au Have a great season and please feel free to ask questions from any of our committee. As I will always say – we are all volunteers & we are here for OUR kids. Enjoy 2018.