Settling the Great Basin


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Presentation transcript:

Settling the Great Basin 1848-1860 Chapter 7 Settling the Great Basin 1848-1860

Chapter -7-  1. List -3- Important tasks facing the Mormon pioneers once they reached the Salt Lake Valley? (pg. 120)  2. Which other city used a grid system to lay out city (1) (pg. 122) 3.  What was the State of Deseret proposed area? (pg. 136) (Essay Question) 4.  Why were handcarts used? (pg. 138) 5.  Why were streets so wide in Utah? (pg. 122)     6. What is the difference between Immigrants and emigrants? (pg. 126)  7.  When Utah became a territory what didn’t they get to do as far as elections and laws? (pg. 137) 8.   What was the big event in the late 1840’s that boosted the economy? (pg. 124) 9.   What was some reasons why Mormons built settlements across the Great Basin region (pg. 127) 10.  What was the first capital city of Utah? (pg. 137)

PERPETUAL EMIGRATION FUND: In 1849 Brigham Young wanted a way to bring more Mormons from their camps in Iowa to Utah The fund was built up with donations of Money, oxen, wagons, and food. Immigrants later repaid their loans by donating labor or paying back their loans in cash, farm products or goods. It also helped fund foreigners from other countries.  

PLURAL MARRIAGE: STRENGTH- the more people that were united, the stronger you are against your enemies. SECURITY- many husbands died on the trek, men would give new families financial support, help around the household, a father figure to help children. SAY- by being married, it would give women a say in the community. SMALL- only 3-5% of men in the church practiced this. SHORT- polygamy was practiced for a short amount of time. (1852-1871)

GOLD RUSH: Gold discovered at Sutter’s mill California.   Gold discovered at Sutter’s mill California. People left their jobs, home and head to California to get rich. The richest person in the Gold Rush was the store owner that sold them their pans, shovels, and picks. Many of the people heading to California brought lots of money into Utah as people would stop here and buy supplies for the journey.  

PATTERN OF MORMON SETTLEMENTS: Streets were laid out in a grid pattern Streets were very wide so you could turn your wagon around. Irrigation ditches ran besides most major streets. Squares in the center of town contained parks, churches, public buildings. Farms were on the outside of city squares surrounded by trees.

Crickets and Seagulls:   In the spring clouds of black crickets started eating the crops. People fought crickets in many ways: banged pans together, knocked them off branches with brooms, gather up large baskets and burned or dumped them in the rivers. Partial relief came when flocks of seagulls filled the skies Crickets and seagulls returned for several years.  

Day 2

First Winter: Several days after arriving in Utah (July 24, 1847) Pioneers planted crops to get through winter. In late September, Cattle and horse entirely destroyed the crops. Winter was mild, but food was scarce and everyone was hungry. They ate crows, hawks, wolves, thistle tops and sego lily bulbs.

Foreign Immigrants:   Millions of immigrants came to America to find jobs, land, and freedom from oppression. They came on wind powered sailing ships that were slow, food was poor, and many people got sick. Converts took river boats, the covered wagons, handcarts. Long wagon trains came to Utah on a steady basis. By 1857 there were about 35,000 immigrants in the Great basin and they kept coming.  

Called to Settle New Places: Brigham Young would read the call over the pulpit at church. People didn’t have to go, but they usually did. People were often chosen by their particular skills: Blacksmith, tailor, barrel maker, weaver, and many farmers. Many people moved into communities with other people of their nationality: German, Swiss, Welsh, Italians and Iceland as well as many others. While many people were called to a new settlement site, many others went on their own settlements where friends and family were already living.

What was the proposed state of Deseret?   Within a few years of coming to Utah, LDS church leaders wrote a constitution with proposed “State of Deseret”. The boundaries were large, form San Diego to Colorado Church leaders appointed themselves to top government offices, with Brigham Young as governor. From Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming to Arizona and New Mexico This area included 9 states. The petition was turned down.  

Chapter 8 Turmoil in the Territory

Chapter-8- Turmoil in the Territory Indians getting sick (pg. 144)    Camp Floyd (pg. 156)     “Buchanan’s Blunder” (pg. 154) Paiutes Indians relationship with Mormons   (pg. 145)   Lot’s Army (pg. 152)   Reasons why Indians and settlers did NOT get along. (pg. 146) Colonel Thomas Kane (pg. 155) Federal army sent to Utah (pg. 150)

Day 3

Chapter -8- Essay choices: UTAH WAR MOUNTAIN MEADOW MASSACRE Page 150 power-point on Mr. George’s Blog Page 153 power-point on Mr. George’s Blog

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