RULES Ask the pupils: Why do we have rules? How do rules make games fairer? How do rules make school fairer? How do rules make the world fairer?
Should we have the same rules for everyone in football? Yes No We should… because … We shouldn’t because… Football would be fairer if… Ask the pupils: Should we have the same rules for everyone when playing football? (Pupils vote Yes/No – Debate why.) Hold a brief debate.
Are the same rules always ‘fair’? Yes No What about for people of … different ages different abilities different gender particular needs different backgrounds. Should we have the same rules for everyone in the school? Would it be fair to have the same expectations of all pupils of different ages? Would it fair if everyone had the same work? Would it be fair if pupils with more money were allowed to make the rules?
What rule would you make to address this problem? EXAMPLE You all want to have a football game, but some of you are 11 years old and the others are 16 years old. What rule would you make to address this problem? Allocate two points if… Only let teams enter a competition if… Give… Show someone the red card if… Limit match time to… Pay players to join teams if… Introduce activity: Discuss the problem presented. What are the implications? (Will not be as good at playing because will have missed training.) Why is this unfair? How might this be addressed? Encourage pupils to make a fairness rule – they can use the sentence starters provided or think of their own rule.
a few players some players most players all players SOLUTION: You all want to have a football game, but some of you are 11 years old and the others are 16 years old. Did the rule you made to solve this problem make the game fairer for: a few players some players most players all players Discuss the rules made to solve the problem. Would the rule make the game fairer for all, most, some or a few players?
What rule would you make to address this problem? EXAMPLE You meet some kids from another country who have never played football before. But you want to play them at football. What rule would you make to address this problem? Allocate two points if… Only let teams enter a competition if… Give… Show someone the red card if… Limit match time to… Pay players to join teams if… Introduce activity: Discuss the problem presented. What are the implications? (Will not be as good at playing because will have missed training.) Why is this unfair? How might this be addressed? Encourage pupils to make a fairness rule – they can use the sentence starters provided or think of their own rule.
a few players some players most players all players SOLUTION: You meet some kids from another country who have never played football before. But you want to play them at football. Did the rule you made to solve this problem make the game fairer for: a few players some players most players all players Discuss the rules made to solve the problem. Would the rule make the game fairer for all, most, some or a few players?
What rule would you make to address this problem? EXAMPLE Some children from your team are not coming to football practice because they cannot afford to buy the team kit. What rule would you make to address this problem? Allocate two points if… Only let teams enter a competition if… Give… Show someone the red card if… Limit match time to… Pay players to join teams if… Introduce activity: Discuss the problem presented. What are the implications? (Will not be as good at playing because will have missed training.) Why is this unfair? How might this be addressed? Encourage pupils to make a fairness rule – they can use the sentence starters provided or think of their own rule.
a few players some players most players all players SOLUTION: Some children from your team are not coming to football practice because they cannot afford to buy the team kit. Did the rule you made to solve this problem make the game fairer for: a few players some players most players all players Discuss the rules made to solve the problem. Would the rule make the game fairer for all, most, some or a few players?
Have a discussion about this and see if you can think of anything... The problem you were solving: Are there any other examples of where using the ‘normal’ rules of football might not be fair? Have a discussion about this and see if you can think of anything... Discuss the rules made to solve the problem. Would the rule make the game fairer for all, most, some or a few players?
A FAIRER WORLD CUP FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT Carry out the independent task. Pupils work with a partner to complete ‘Rules of the game’ – see separate task sheet.
How can you design the rules to help? You are going to hold a football tournament which everyone in your class/year/school is going to play in. However, you need to make sure it is totally fair for everyone to be able to fully participate. How can you design the rules to help? Support pupils to think of a motto about fairness.
Our fairness rules will be Support pupils to think of a motto about fairness.
YOUR TEAM Each team will be a World Cup country. You will have a fairness motto for the tournament. You could use words like ‘every’ and ‘all’ in your motto. Support pupils to think of a motto about fairness.
Plenary: How was the game different? Was it fairer? How? Do you need to change rules sometimes to make things fairer?
Yes No Is the World Cup ‘fair’? What about countries where they have less money teams have fewer resources. Should we have the same rules for everyone in the school? Would it be fair to have the same expectations of all pupils of different ages? Would it fair if everyone had the same work? Would it be fair if pupils with more money were allowed to make the rules?
EXTENSION How about life generally? What rules are there to make it fairer? Who sets the rules? If there are unfair things in life, how can rules be used to change them? These questions can be discussed in other curriculum areas, such as Citizenship or PSHE.
Do we need rules that help make the world fairer? Yes No We should… because … We shouldn’t because… The sorts of rules we need are… Should everyone in the world have the same rules? Should rich and poor people pay the same amount of tax?
EXAMPLE People pay tax to pay for services like schools and hospitals. Should everyone pay the same amount of tax? Or should people with less money pay less tax? What would help make the world fairer? Should everyone in the world have the same rules? Should rich and poor people pay the same amount of tax?