Trees for Tots Live Free Fore Our Kids Golf Around the World Gala Programs Fundraising Events Around the World Gala Fore Our Kids Golf Live Free Trees for Tots 17 scholarships awarded March 1st, 2019 17,000 hungry minds fed 1,181 kids got to play & grow Statistics updated per CFGW 2017 Impact Report. Talk a little about the new life skills pieces and benefits of Free To Grow! Free to Play is evolving to include funding for life-skill development activities, such as: babysitting and home alone courses cooking classes CPR and first aid courses driver’s education training tutoring (with registered businesses) With this evolution, the program name is also changing to Free to Grow. We are accepting applications now for life-skill activities that will begin 2019. For example, if a youth wants to register for a babysitting class that starts in January, the family can apply to us now. This expansion of funding will especially target youth and those who may not necessarily participate in recreational activities. All of these opportunities, whether recreational or life-skill, are beneficial to the well-being of youth and will help: develop their talents, interests, and passions; enhance their personal growth and development; build their self-worth and confidence; and foster the skills they need to reach their full potential. Funding maximum remains the same regardless of whether it’s recreational or life-skill activities: $400 per child per year. 2,592 children & 1,186 families given joy
Live Free Success Stories Helpful Tips: Make sure the cause is clear. People are much more likely to get involved for a great cause regardless of the fundraising activity. When reaching out to your school’s community, remember to share that 100% of your fundraised dollars come back to your own Food & Friends Program to help feed children in YOUR school.
fundraising ideas based on success stories Set-up a fundraising committee of students (High school) Committee to brainstorm ideas with ownership and buy-in of the campaign. Hunger Games (High school) The Hunger Games theme had each class donate to participate and select a tribute per classroom to compete in “Live Free Challenges” on Live Free Day in the gym so other classes could observe and cheer on their peers. The challenges were both physical and education-based. Engage the leadership or similar program to develop a campaign based on a popular game / show / movie among their peers.
fundraising ideas Dress-down day (Catholic high schools) or Hat Day Have students pay $2 to dress-down or wear a hat for the day Stop-the-Song (High school) Play a song on repeat over the PA until donations reach a set goal. Create gifts from children’s artwork (Elementary school) Have Grades JK-4 do artwork to be turned into cards, day planners, calendars, notebooks, etc. Contact a local printer for a discounted rate and sell items to students, parents, teachers, etc. One program raised $2,500! If we were to reach out to the community to hold a fundraising event, what kind of ideas would there by? Ways to connect with others in our community??
fundraising ideas Host a community event, invite parents, friends and community members: Hot-lunch fundraiser: Keep costs low by asking local businesses for donations or discounts – share the cause! Community skate night: Play music and serve hot chocolate or apple cider. See if you can get a local rink to donate the rental fee to support the cause! Community dodgeball tournament or hockey game: Invite special guests such as local police to play against school / student teams. Participants pay to play. Cultural event or talent show: Dialogue and performance pieces, etc. A cooking or craft class: Invite a local chef or artisan to host a lunch-time or after-school class. Charge a donation fee for registration. What about teachers or office supported fundraisers (community programs)??
fundraising ideas Teacher supported fundraisers Structure your campaign to engage teacher support and donations, perhaps a silent auction of gift baskets put together from donations. Host a “soup swap:” Each teacher makes a delicious meal and brings it to school. Other teachers pay a donation to purchase these homemade meals. Bake Sale Students bake dessert items to sell to staff (community/high school program)
More Helpful Tips Treat the winner Reward the strongest fundraising class or home-room with an exciting incentive: breakfast in class, a homework-free weekend, etc. Stretch it out (January 1st to March 1st) Schedule activities over a period of time, not on one day. For example, every Friday for a month, or activities over the course of a week.
Talk to your team and begin planning! We’re here to help RESOURCES: Online resources; Branded marketing materials; Human resources – US! – and each other! INCENTIVES: $250 will be presented to the top program in each category: Strongest spirit; Most online donations; Most improved over last year’s total; Most funds raised per student population. Talk to your team and begin planning! Resources found online: Social Media Support Package Live Free Checklist Live Free Announcements Letter to send out to community members/businesses Live Free Factsheet for teachers to share with students F&F fact sheet with stats
Important dates to remember Register and material order for the program opens on Friday November 9th WCDSB kit pick up at principal meeting January 9th UGDSB elementary kits at P/VP meeting January 16th & secondary kits at P/VP meeting January 17th Live Free Celebrations between February 26th to March 1st Live Free Day March 1st Live Free kit pick up WCDSB March 7th Live Free kit pick up UGDSB elementary March 20th & secondary March 21st We combined the registration and material order this year, we had a lot of confusion last year with having a separate date to register. F&F academic calendar for all of these dates
Live Free Celebration Host Talk to Bobbi, Heather or Anita about hosting a Live Free Celebration by November 9th A fundraising event to help your program; Reserved for first-time Celebration hosts; Open to Catholic and public school boards; Open to elementary and secondary schools. Celebration dates for Fergus and Dufferin are either February 26 & 27th. Guelph is typically held on Live Free Day, March 1st Your contact for campaign support is Jennifer Tasca Children’s Foundation Events Manager or call 519-826-9551 x 27 Live Free Celebrations Criteria Program needs assistance in raising funds and awareness for their program Have not held the celebration in the past School is available to hold the celebration/fundraiser the last week of February & Guelph first Friday of March. We try to have a Pubic School, catholic school, elementary school & secondary school, if possible We like of offer a pancake breakfast but we have held a lunch celebration in Guelph in the past