The Making of a Plate
This second part of the presentation describes the Study Task and the Starting Information provided What You Are Going to Do Starting Information Deliverables Planning the Group Project
What You Are Going To Do Schedule Production Roll in The Mill Test the Product Despatch the Product You are going to do it ….
You are going to make a plate We want to place an order for a finished plate, specifying dimensions and mechanical properties and quality standards. You are going to decide whether you can fulfil this order, and then youre going to quote us to supply it. If we give you the order, you are going to schedule production, and then supervise the rolling and the testing of the product. Just as in real business, you have to get this right two ways : You have to make the product successfully And you have to make money
Program : Today : Receipt of starting information (including ordered plate specification and slab inventory) Week 5 : Intermediate Presentations Venue: University of Sheffield Each Group presents (45 mins presentation, 30 mins questions) their cost model and price for the order. Each group also hands over their slab-choice and their proposed rolling schedule.
Week 7 or 8 : Each Group sends representatives to the mill to witness rolling of their slab, and to monitor deviations from their specified practice. During this visit, groups hand over their test-house instructions. Time of day no object! Week 10 or 11 : Test feedback. Spare material supplied to the Groups for metallography Week 12 : Final Presentations Venue : VAI Sheffield Office
Over the coming weeks, you will need to make the following choices : Slab Choice -Youve received an inventory and you can choose one slab from it. Both the metallurgy and dimensions must be right. Schedule Choice -There are various standard rolling practices for making the product. You have to learn about these and select the best one. Price Choice -You have to work out how much it will cost to make this plate and price it accordingly.
Over the coming weeks, you will need to make the following choices : Test Choice- You have to find out what the test-house does, and whats appropriate for the product in question. Then you have to instruct the test-house to perform the tests. Team Choices -You have to select your representatives for the rolling and inspection supervisory exercises, as well as sharing out the total workload.
Slab Choice - Inventory
Price Choice – This May Help Plate Costs (£/t) is standard plate manufacturing costs
Schedule Choice – A Typical Drafting Schedule
Price Choice – This May Help
Test Choice – Note the Standards
Team Choice – Note these Activities
Your Starting Information consists of : Presentation material fromkick off meeting(all also on CD-ROM) Order plate specification (2 Versions) Project program and milestones Rolling Rules document (notes for guidance about mill scheduling) Plate Products and Range of Sizes (Corus document.) Conditions for works visit (Safety Form) Summary of relevant course content Additional Information (for interest) The World of VAI Technology Brochure Corus Steel Plate
Deliverables: Presentations in weeks 5 and 12 (Microsoft PowerPoint) Final written report, including : reasons for slab choice, schedule choice and price choice compliance with original plate specification, explaining deviations (NB – detailed requirements of these reports to be elaborated further)
You will need to decide how to organise your time and resources to complete the whole Study Task. Your academic supervisor can help you here – an early discussion (as soon as youve assimilated the problem) is advisable.
Mill Visit This afternoon you will visit both the mill and the test-house Try to relate what you see to the ideas youve met in this mornings presentations There wont be much opportunity for questions at the end, so take the chance to ask them as you go Above all, make note of things you see that seem important, and that you think you might need to understand more fully
Information and Reporting: Suggested Basis There is a fuller program of meetings within the information pack. The weekly activities are indicated. The day, time and sometimes location of meetings will need to be negotiated. Within this framework, there will be opportunities at least every two weeks to report progress and raise/discuss issues Issues at other times to your university tutors please (These will get relayed to VAI/Corus too, but we cant have open contact – weve other things to do as well!) …anyway, this makes it more like the Real World of dealing with an industrial customer
Todays Itinerary 09:30 – Welcome (Brief Presentation on Corus C+I and VAI-UK) Context Presentation – the World of Steel Plate 10:30 – Coffee Break 10:45 – 12:00 Explanation of the Teams Task - Handover of Basic Information 12:00 – Lunch 12:45 – Safety Induction 13:45 – Plate Mill Visit 15:45 – Test House Visit 16:30 – Tea, and Departure for Sheffield
Thermo-Mechanical Control Process (1) Austenite Ferrite Pearlite Conventional Rolling (eg C-Mn grades, Solid Solution Strengthening) 1000°C 500°C Martensite AR 3 Hot Rolling to Final Gauge Slab reheating Air cooling Ferrite + Pearlite Temp. Time Bainite
Thermo-Mechanical Control Process (2) Ferrite + Bainite Austenite Ferrite Pearlite TMCR : Typical of C-Mn-Nb Grades, Precipitation Strengthening 1000°C 500°C Martensite AR 3 Primary Hot Rolling Slab reheating CR Hold Temp. Time Bainite The Hold takes the stock temperature down to a level where recrystallisation between passes is substantially suppressed Low Temperature Finish Rolling